Pond Boss
Posted By: esshup Addendum to the forum rules and guidelines - 07/18/14 09:27 PM
Due to some recent problems on the forum, after a lengthy discussion we moderators have initiated a “banned camp”. Campers could be visiting from 1 day to 2 years, or even a permanent ban, depending on the severity of the infraction and the frequency of the members infractions. Just like the Eagles song “Hotel California”, frequent campers will become permanent residents. It takes a majority vote of the moderators for you to be sent to banned camp and also to be permanently banned. Each infraction will be discussed before action is taken, and if a member is sent to banned camp, they will receive an e-mail with the reason why and the length of their camping trip. This does not change any rules and regulations that Bob has outlined in the past. It just gives us Moderators another tool in the toolbox to uphold Bob's rules and regulations without permanently banning someone for stepping out of bounds. Since this is the first time we are trying something like this, amendments to this may be made as needed in the future.

Just to refresh everybody’s memories, here’s what Bob has outlined previously.

Welcome to the Pond Boss Forum. This is the place for sharing information about the enjoyment of private ponds in a fun, family like atmosphere.

All posts and discussions should be done as if you were talking to family or friends. Any post that appears to the management to be not in keeping with its standards will be deleted and the maker banned from the Forum.
This includes any post that could be interpreted as mean spirited, offensive and/or directed toward any individual(s) or any post with unacceptable wording, or containing comments of a sexual, religious, racial or political nature or not deemed to be in "good taste". The use of any personal contact information such as E-mail address(s) or use of Private Messages must follow the same standards.

If you wouldn't say it to your Mother, don't say it to us.

The Pond Boss website moderators have been hand selected. I have broken bread with each and I know each of them quite well. They are highly qualified.
If your words are moderated, it is because they don't fall within the guidelines rules I have set.
The moderators have my full support and complete discretion to moderate any thread, or to delete it, if they choose.
Support the moderators.
Most of the time, on something that's "grey", they'll discuss it among themselves and make a unified decision. They cover each other's backs.
That's the way I have chosen it to be and I expect each member to respect the moderators.
I expect family-friendly harmony among members and I want each and everyone here to realize this website is about ponds, land, stewardship and helping an extended family.
I appreciate your respect and dedication to keeping this forum on target and inbounds.
Glad you are here

Bob Lusk
© Pond Boss Forum