Pond Boss
Posted By: outdoorlivin247 What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/20/14 09:26 PM
Winter has been brutal and owning this pond is bitter sweet...Not sure if I am doing things right or not...It is driving my CRAZY!!!

I shallowed up my diffusers and only ran them when I had snow cover and NOT safe ice...Since I have had safe ice I have been scooping the center of the pond hoping to get a place to ice skate for my family...

As of right now the pond is covered with snow except where I scooped over the weekend to clear the 5+ inches of new snow...The ice is 10" of clear ice except for the stress cracks and some fuzz around the edge from snow melt...

Now I guess my biggest fears are O2 levels with no open water...The pond is pretty much weedless except for algae and God knows I have plenty of that..

Here is a picture that shows the area of open ice...Is this enough and will the algae produce enough O2 to keep DO level up?.. I have read and read and read on for some reason the worst case scenarios are the ones that seem to be popping up and sticking in my head.. I can bores some holes above my wind driven diffuser and plug it back in, but my fear there is making the ice unsafe to be on...

What does a guy do?...

Posted By: blair5002 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/20/14 09:44 PM
How far is your diffuser away from the skating area.
I know we are in different climates but I take my ice auger and start drilling holes and walking towards the diffuser and drill holes to check the ice. With my electric aeration always running the ice is nearly just as thick 30 feet from open water. Might want to plug it in and just check the ice thickness one in a while. The area you clean off will also make a lot of ice since there is no insulation.

If you have a winter bloom going you should have some do2 from your open ice. I hope you hear from some experts on this one.
The diffuser is I would guess 30-35 feet from it, can check that tonight when I get home...When it was last running it was only keeping open an area about 15 to 20 feet..
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/20/14 10:01 PM
If you're really concerned i would keep one shallow diffuser running 24/7 well away from the skating area.

Clear ice should allow enough light in to keep algae and plants from dying.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/20/14 10:15 PM
The ice looks clear and not with a cloudy ice layer on top all this should allow light to enter the water and the phytoplankton to make dissolved oxygen. What approximate percent of the pond's ice surface area has been shoveled and snow removed revealing the clear ice?
I would say I have a good 25-30% of it cleared...Needless to say that is a lot of shoveling...

They are calling for more snow tonight (1-3") and no above freezing temps for the next two weeks...It got up to probably 35°F today...

The center section you see in the picture has not had snow one it during any of the thaws we had..I had already scooped it before the last warm up/rain we had...The outer areas that are snow covered are not as clear because they had snow that was rained on before it froze again...
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/20/14 11:16 PM
I know you clear snow for ice skating but I gave up on that for the fishes sake a few years ago because of the work, and because one year we had heavy snow on early thin ice, and I could not get back on it with the snow blower. I've depended on the diffusers ever since.

My trout pond is mostly snow covered with a small area near shore open from a diffuser. The trout are fine as i dropped a jig into a hole a good distance from the diffuser and it was hit instantly. I have a taxidermist that needed one in the 16 inch range.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/21/14 01:13 AM
For relatively small ponds Cecil probably has the best idea of using diffusers to reduce chances of winter kill. Here in NW Ohio we are on Jan 20 just 2" from having the most inches of snow for any January on record. We will easily beat the record snow fall for any January including that of our infamous "blizzard" of 1978. I am tired of scooping, pushing and shoveling snow. It seems like it snows the next day after I make an area of the ice snow free. I scooped today and it is supposed to snow tomorrow which is why I started up my diffuser. I want to check how well the oxygenated water gets mixed away from the diffuser and how deep of water DO gets distributed. My diffuser is not real shallow 3'-5' as suggested by the majority here on PBoss forum.
Okay, thinking I am going to fire up the diffuser for a couple of days because we are supposed to be MAKING ICE!!!

Do I need to bore some holes in it above the diffuser to keep the air from getting trapped?..I have rip rap around the outer edge of the pond so a tight seal is probably not a problem...I just don't want to get air pockets under to good ice and cause any problems or unsafe conditions for skating..
Posted By: snrub Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/21/14 02:50 PM
If it were me, I would put a hole as close to directly above the diffuser as you can. I would think you do not want air to accidentally start traveling all the way across the pond and try to open a hole on the other side where it escapes. Not saying it is going to do that, but if it did, it would be less than ideal.

The hole above the diffuser ought to also give the diffuser a head start on doing its job.

Just my opinion, but really have no experience with ice and a diffuser so take it for what it is worth. Just seems the logical thing to do. Others probably have actual experience.

Don't have to know anything to have an opinion. I know lots of people like that laugh
Posted By: esshup Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/21/14 03:37 PM
Making a hole right above the diffuser will hasten the process.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/21/14 04:04 PM
When I started my aerator with 6" of ice over the diffuser I drilled 6 holes above and around the diffuser boil because I did not know exactly where the diffuser was located.
Best picture showing thickness and clarity of the ice...Over 10"s thick on most of this part of pond...

Only took me 4 hole to hit the boil...

The joys of wind powered aeration...Wind laid and switched to out of the south...Hopefully it picks up or switches as the day goes on...
Posted By: esshup Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/22/14 04:16 PM
Thanks for posting that! I'll have to go to a clients property and take a picture. His pond has both windmill and electric air pumps for the diffusers in the pond. Both styles of pumps have diffusers set in the same depth for summer and another set set in the same depth for winter. There is a big difference in the size of the open hole during the winter!
Went home on my lunch and drilled a hole above my electric powered diffuser and fired it up... The holes over the windmill powered have already frozen solid again and where making more hard solid ice, so I opened them up again...

Also drilled a couple of holes and dropped a jig with no results...Wish I had a GoPro I could put on a stick and send for a dive... Oh the stress of owning a POND!!!
Posted By: sprkplug Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/22/14 07:15 PM
Hey, nobody said that having your own pond was easy! grin

I'll tell you what I'm doing, right or wrong.....I fire up the aeration and run my shallow water diffusers every 3-4 days for around 24 hours, to open an area about 1/4-1/3 total surface area. Then I shut back down and let it refreeze super clear. When the clear area gets covered in more snow, I repeat the process.

I would let it run continuous, but I like to ice fish the deeper areas, plus, the arctic temps make me nervous when I see the steam rolling off the open water.....I don't want to cool the pond down, just need to let some sunlight down there.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/22/14 08:58 PM

My fish are sold as part of my living so I can't afford to lose fish. I crank up a diffuser in 3 to 4 feet of water near the bank on my ponds and forget about it. I run them 24/7. Considering what you have to lose is not worth the expense to run it 24/7? As long as you stay well away from it and test your ice you should be fine as far as ice fishing and skating.

I usually use a small compressor just for winter to keep the electric bill down as you don't need to move much water to keep the ice open.

Like I said I gave up on removing snow off the ice several years ago due to the work, time, and expense of doing so. And then there will be years you will not be able to get on the ice, but you could have heavy snow cover. Then it's either hope for the best or cut a hole in the ice and install a diffuser after the fact. Did that this year with no problems due to the cold weather getting ahead of me and other priorities.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/22/14 10:49 PM
After 24 total hrs of aerator run time over 3 days, today I had a an open hole 66ft dia for a total of 3419sqft or 11% of my pond's surface area. The largest diffuser that I have is in about 11-12ft of water, thus I get a big open area (1/4hp rotary probably producing 3.5cfm at 12ft). It appeared the water movement influence from the currents was a total of 120ft dia which meant the influence spread was about 30ft beyond the open hole. I shoveled snow within about 30-40 ft of the open hole. Tomorrow I will cut some holes and check the ice thickness at various spots to check the amount of eroded ice due to the under ice currents. I was too cold today after shoveling snow to cut ice holes. I might even try fishing tomorrow.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/22/14 11:13 PM
Bill you're a weeny!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/22/14 11:14 PM
Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
I was too cold today after shoveling snow to cut ice holes.

You weenie!

Posted By: esshup Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/23/14 12:16 AM
Here's the picture. You can see where the water was open - it's the dark spot with a light coating of snow on it. The size of the holes is deceiving, the one that is open is about twice the size of the one that is frozen. Picture was taken today. Due to the lack of wind yesterday, the hole that was made by the windmill diffuser froze over and didn't even open up today. The hole that is open is approx. 30' to 40' in diameter. The winter diffusers are in about 4' of water.

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/23/14 12:34 AM
Hey looks like the ponds are up!
Posted By: esshup Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/23/14 12:40 AM
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Hey looks like the ponds are up!

Compared to last year, yes. But, they are down about 4' or more right now.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/23/14 01:02 AM
Bill is not only a weenie but an old weenie. My hands can't take the cold temps like they used to. A couple fingers get numb quickly and were probably frost bit in the early days of ice fishing. No more ice fishing without a shanty anymore for this weenie. If you come ice fishing with me CB1 you can sit outside the shanty in the wind with the hole freezing closed. When you coming over and walking on water?
My windmill diffuser is a membrane and my electric looks like a shower head shoved in a 5 gallon bucket.. The windmill when it is spinning moves a lot more water than the electric powered...Hoping to upgrade in the spring to 2 vertex diffuser and a new pump..

Like said, they are calling for way below freezing temp for the next couple of days so hopefully I can get this thing opened up a little..
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/23/14 01:22 AM
Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
Bill is not only a weenie but an old weenie. My hands can't take the cold temps like they used to. A couple fingers get numb quickly and were probably frost bit in the early days of ice fishing. No more ice fishing without a shanty anymore for this weenie. If you come ice fishing with me CB1 you can sit outside the shanty in the wind with the hole freezing closed. When you coming over and walking on water?

Good one Bill! That's one of the best come backs I've in a long time!

Cody note - Ya, I might be a weenie but I have enough old man weenie sense to use a ice shanty when I ice fish.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/23/14 01:44 AM
OutdoorL - you should see a noticeable difference in the boil configuration and size when you upgrade to the vertex diffusers. One very good way to see the size influence of the boil spread is to examine the boil shape during a light rain. This shows one the amount of spread of the boil currents. Evidently this is due to the difference in water temperature and surface tension due to the boil water being cooler than the surrounding surface water.
Just went home on my lunch to play again...The wind mill has still not opened up any water even with a good wind for the last 16 hours...The electric powered had only thinned the ice enough for me to break a 3 foot opening...

I think the biggest problem is the water level has dropped enough that it is not reaching the top of the ice...The other in the center that I have been keeping clear was popping and cracking like no tomorrow when I was clearing it also...Kind of an eerie feeling..
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/23/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted By: Bill Cody

Cody note - Ya, I might be a weenie but I have enough old man weenie sense to use a ice shanty when I ice fish.

The truth be known me too! I have one of those 2 man Genz popups.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: What do I do?... Confused again!!! - 01/24/14 01:06 AM
Now after 36 hrs of aeration with an open water area 66ft dia, I checked water temps and DO at two locations, one about 20ft from open water and at the other end of the pond at 11 ft deep about 100ft away from the open hole. Diffuser is sitting in about 11-12ft of water. Water temp has dropped from 39F to 36F to 36.3 from near surface to bottom at both locations. Evidently the water currents are spreading a long distance from the diffuser. This may be due to cold water temperatures or some other physical feature that contributes to mixing?? Dissolved oxygen in water at both locations has risen to 3.2 to 4.5ppm from lows of around 2ppm at 5-6ft to bottom prior to aerating.

At about 20 ft from the open water hole I had 7" of ice thickness.
List of must haves for the future...

New aeration
DO meter
GoPro or water proof camera
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