Pond Boss
HELP! I need some help and need some one sentence shout outs of how Pond Boss has helped you-is awesome- is a great value-

I need them by 12:30 eastern time (after that this thread will self distruct) ... sorry

I will also need first name (perfered i can use user) and state or region

Marketing Dude,
Without Pond Boss I wouldn't know where to start managing my ponds since we do not have pond consultants around here.

Blair from Saskatchewan Canada
A really great place to learn and meet with wonderful fishy friends --locally and worldwide.

Pond Boss has taught me how much I never knew I didn't know about managing ponds and habitat.

Ken G.
Pond Boss helped me realize a pond is more than just a simple hole in the ground and to learn how I can make it the best ecosystem possible.
Thanks everyone
Crap, sorry Matt, I missed the deadline.
Yeah, me too.
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