Pond Boss
I was thinking after our get together this month about a digital/electronic version of the PondBoss magazine.

Here's a question for a completely unscientific poll:

Who would be interested in an electronic version of the PondBoss Magazine and what would you pay??

Guesses and observations welcome!!

If there is enough interest, maybe we could convince Bob and Mike to look into its production.

As the world moves to a digital presence, there should be some inertia to produce an electronic version sooner than later.

For my vote, I'm in, and I subscribe to the paper version. For a digital only version I'm thinking $19.95 or $14.95 through any of the normal digital outlets.
Zep=Old Fashioned
Maybe Offer Both

Another idea...offer discounts on multiple gift subscriptions.
My first question would be why does anyone need it?
One of the magazines I publish has a circulation about ten times that of Pond Boss. It also has a lot of classified ads of collectible items. We've heard whining from people for years about the time difference it takes for people in various parts of the country to get their issue, so by the time they get it all the good stuff from the ads is sold.
We spent close to two years finding a place that could handle what we want to do. Security was a big part of this. You don't want to just send people an electronic issue that they can just keep forwarding to others who aren't paying for a subscription.
Anyway, we started offering a digital edition in October, and to say the response has been underwhelming would be an understatement.
So, what I'm trying to say is, if people won't pay a couple of bucks a month to buy a digital copy when getting to the ads first is a big advantage, why would they spend it for Pond Boss.
Also, you can't use a digital edition to swat flies, use as a coaster or cut up to make a ransom note.
I think it's a great idea. It's a great way to get new subscribers

I remember that thread. Several months before I ended my retirement test.

I don't use Google Chrome anymore laugh
I want for iPad!
Josh, I remember that thread, I am trying to take the pulse again to see if there is any increase interest. Like it or not, the world is going digital, and I am curious to see where the family stands on this issue. Everywhere you look, other magazines are going online only. Who knows, there may just be an app for PondBoss!!

I think there would be a chance for Bob and Mike to expand their business model on Al Gore's interwebs.
I for one like to read in my home office,and I am sad to say it isn't a digital friendly place wink

I think if they want to really test the waters making back issues available online would be a great way to start while making a buck.I think quite a few of us new guys would jump on that,you could then bundle a e version of the mag to that and see where it goes.Test market it like so for a year and see if you loose any print subscriptions to the online mag.

Although I doubt too many will drop the print for the online only mag there would be some revenue generated and solid proof none the less wink
I get quite a few technical publications. Some are print, but most are digital versions. Format is important to me. Some of these are such a PITA that I don't even bother with them. Send me the print version!!!

With the way things are going, a digital PB may not be bad at all. So many people are "bonded", shall we say, to their digital devices, that reading something on paper may be foreign territory.

Offer both! If the digital version could draw in some cash, could be another venue of revenue.

I subscribed to NEC Code Online for a chunk of change. Sure, I could read it, but could not print a page for reference. That sucked! I can just bring the print version with me everyplace. Even copy a page or two if need be.

I probably would not subscribe to a digital version of PB Mag.

Still have not subscribed to the print version either. When I move next spring, I may do that.

Another thing I am doing is saving loose pocket change in coffee cans for a donation to PB for the forums. I know I gave my Mom a few can's of penny's, and she got a new washer and dryer out out of the deal.

Pennies for Pond Boss Forum. I like that!

You would be surprised how much loose change adds up over time.

How many pennies from us would it take to provide the moderators with a modest stipend? Maybe even a nice dinner!
Speaking as someone who doesn't even use a cellphone, I would only hope that the print edition continues for a few more years. I like books....plain and simple. Up until this point, I have remained steadfast in my desire not to allow myself to become shackled to a portable electronic device of some sort...including Ipads, E-readers, and cellphones. I just don't have the need to access the rest of the world on a continual basis, and I absolutely don't want the entire world accessing ME. My very un-smart cellphone stays in the shop truck, and is never removed. I doubt I've used it three times this year.

Unfortunately, despite my obstinance, the world continues to move forward, dragging me along with it. I now find the need has arisen here in the shop, to be able to accept payment for services rendered on a mobile basis.

God-forbid, I now have to shop for smartphones and data plans. I don't even know where to begin....

So, help me keep my blood pressure under control. I would like to be able to turn the pages, (by hand!) of the latest issue of PB... I like that funky ink and paper smell....walking down to the mailbox is good for me....and, if an EMP or huge solar flare disrupts electronic communications on Dec. 21st, I'll still be reading by candlelight, or kerosene lamp.... grin grin

I'll bet those Ipads and E-readers would make pretty passable drink coasters, though.... wink
Nice work Omaha !!! I like it when other people search with success !!! Search results are a freebie that the readers get.

Highflyer I would pay an extra amount to have access to a non-copy digital site with the mag.
My preference would be a hard copy with a searchable database of all previous issues. The hard copy wouldn't be avaible in digital form until (90 days or ?) after the hard copy edition was published.
I am with Dwight.
That searchable database would need to a have a fee associated with it, or only available to paying subscribers.
My vote would be for both. I would be willing to pay more for a searchable database.
Originally Posted By: Dwight
My preference would be a hard copy with a searchable database of all previous issues. The hard copy wouldn't be avaible in digital form until (90 days or ?) after the hard copy edition was published.

This is pretty close to what I had suggested.For me personally I can't justify spending the money on back issues.Though I would be very happy to access them for a fee.
Never mind.
I'm with Bing.

I know the electronic age is coming, but with all the different media, and how it changes yearly, who's to say that an electronic version will be readable 5 years down the road?

I view the mag as a data base/encyclopedia, and refer back to it.

I have books that are over 100 years old. (well, at least one and other are approaching that age) and they are still interesting to read.

Will the electronic data be available even 20 years down the road?

My sister works for a company, and they have everything stored electronically. They switched systems 2 years ago, and it wasn't until a year after they switched that they realized that they couldn't access data that was generated before the switch.... It cost them some $$ to access the data.
Originally Posted By: highflyer
Who would be interested in an electronic version of the PondBoss Magazine and what would you pay??
I read several magazines and newspapers in a e-format. IHMO there advantages and disadvantages to both. Most publications that I subscribe to offer your choice of e-format or print format for the same price, some offer access to both formats for approximately 150% of the standard subscription price.

Originally Posted By: sprkplug
Unfortunately, despite my obstinance, the world continues to move forward, dragging me along with it. I now find the need has arisen here in the shop, to be able to accept payment for services rendered on a mobile basis.


I'll bet those Ipads and E-readers would make pretty passable drink coasters, though.... wink
The world is a changing place my friend. E-commerce and e-publications are here to stay and will continue to grow in the market place. Tech-savvy businesses are going to grow at a faster pace (at least in an urban environment and rural environments with good internet access). All one needs to do is look at the spending patterns of consumers. Notice the rate at which on line sales have risen in the past few years? For better or worse e-commerce and social media outlets are how the younger generation shop and network.

Originally Posted By: JKB
The PB Mag is focused on LMB and such.In my 52 years of breathing on this planet, I have never seen a person rig up to catch LMB. And only know of my nephew catching one a couple years ago by mistake! LMB are a Southern thing!
I'm not in the habit of defending Bob or Pond Boss (Bob can do a much better job of it that I) but I don't believe that this is a fair criticism. First LMB are prevalent almost everywhere in the US except in perhaps cold northern climates. Second PB magazine has had a feature "On Northern Pond" for several issues (I don't know for how long) that is aimed specifically at northern pond issues. This past issue had an article on Musky, I've never seen or smelled a Musky (which I'm assuming smell like Musk).
JKB, I think you might be missing the point about PondBoss. For me it is all about the water. What you do with the water depends on you.
Originally Posted By: esshup
Will the electronic data be available even 20 years down the road? My sister works for a company, and they have everything stored electronically. They switched systems 2 years ago, and it wasn't until a year after they switched that they realized that they couldn't access data that was generated before the switch.... It cost them some $$ to access the data.
I think a differentiation must be made between data (that can be both software specific and or machine platform specific) and PDF files which are not as sensitive to either software or operating system platforms. Dwight (or any other of our more tech-savvy members) could probably address this much better than I.
PDF's will not go away, Flash will hopefully soon though. Like some other Adobe software, it will just be updated for security issues every month. It's so regular in fact, that I change my A/C filter every time an Adobe Flash/Acrobat security release is pushed.

Actually, I would think only database stuff would be in danger. JHAP, I would bet a dollar that's what it was. We ran into the same issues, and it was a bear. The disadvantage to PDF's is size, but with storage prices as cheap as they are, it shouldn't be an issue any more.

I played golf one day with a programmer that ran an entire factory off a floppy disk back in the day. Every bit and bite mattered then. Now, bandwidth usage matters most.
I have no doubt that e-publications will soon be the new norm. And while the logical part of my brain may understand the reasoning behind such a maneuver, I highly doubt that the emotional part will enjoy the same fulfillment from a backlit screen, than it does now from a weathered, crisp page....

Certainly there are times when I need an answer, and I need it quickly. But for enjoyable reading, the kind where you kick back in the recliner with a cold beverage and simply lose yourself for a couple of hours, nothing beats ink in my opinion. Especially, where an old, used book is concerned. I have many such books in my collection, and each one tells another story, BESIDES the one printed between the covers....handwritten notes in the margins, a folded corner of a page, the owners name on the inside cover, the delicate, yellowed pages....all speak of events, people, and years gone by.

When a pixel can deliver on that level, then I will consider it. Until then, it's just me and that simple paper bookmark made by one of my kids when they were in first grade. It simply feels right.
Could not agree more, sp. Very well said...
Wow, the sentimentality to the printed page.

Positives? No power necessary to read, can sit in the basket next to the toilet to be read at any time. Can be thrown without damage at deserving targets. Can be used for house insulation as they accumulate over the years.

Negatives? I cannot fit THOUSANDS of publications in searchable form on a single device I can carry anywhere and can be used for other things besides reading.

Electronic forms of publications are here to stay, and if any publication wants to attract a younger audience and new customers to grow, it HAS to make the transition. Otherwise it will die as current subscribers exit life leaving an ever dwindling subscription.

If a particular format such as PDF is popular enough, the ability to read and display them will be around a VERY long time. Almost all blurbs and datasheets are in PDF form, so there is a tremendous drive to continue support of that format.
Originally Posted By: JKB
Understanding all of this. The PB Mag is focused on LMB and such.

In my 52 years of breathing on this planet, I have never seen a person rig up to catch LMB. And only know of my nephew catching one a couple years ago by mistake!

LMB are a Southern thing!

I don't live in Texas, and subscribing to a mag that's all about what happens there, in the pond's and such, is a serious waste of cash on my part. Hope you don't take this the wrong way!

Since you don't subscribe, how can you summarily dismiss Pond Boss Magazine in such a way? I do take it the wrong way because you are wrong and loudly wrong.
I subscribe and donated to forum. I would like to see an app. For this forum and a digital form of mag. But as long as I got the mag and this forum I'm not going to complain. I've learned too much. Too bad I didn't find out about Pond Boss till my new pond leaked like a sieve. All is good now and thanks everybody.
Jwwann, I'll bet there are more members here that first found the forum because of a problem then not. Believe me, you are NOT alone!

Sprkplug, the computer screen,tablet, kindle, etc., doesn't smell like an old book either!

If the power goes out, and the batteries die, we're in trouble.

I use a Dell Axiom hand held device for figuring out ballistics when out in the field. But, I still have the drops/wind drift charts printed out. I don't want to be out where there's no electric and have the batteries fail and me be without a chart. Within 500 yds I think I can remember, after that it'd be a guess.

I feel that it's the same with electronic printed stuff. We're totally dependant on electricity. Even if your device has juice, what happens if the power goes out on the other end?

I'm not against an electrionic copy of the mag, and it'd make searching back issues easier, but it would put more costs on Bob's end and someone would have to pick up the tab.
Originally Posted By: JKB
Understanding all of this. The PB Mag is focused on LMB and such.

In my 52 years of breathing on this planet, I have never seen a person rig up to catch LMB. And only know of my nephew catching one a couple years ago by mistake!

LMB are a Southern thing!

I don't live in Texas, and subscribing to a mag that's all about what happens there, in the pond's and such, is a serious waste of cash on my part. Hope you don't take this the wrong way!

My gracious, that is so extremely far from the facts, I don't know what to say. I would figure that many of my fellow contributors to the magazine would certainly take exception to these thoughts also.

As for being centered only on bass from Texas, that is really way off. Mark Cornwell, from upstate NY, and Dave Willis from South Dakota, have something in nearly every issue ranging from pike, to walleye, to issues about things like leeches and concerns about ponds with severe winters.

Condello, Cody, and Baird have contributed tremendously varied subjects, and I can't think of an article by any of them about LMB. There are few fish in North American private waters that don't get covered in a year's worth of issues. And, there are the wonderfully illogical things that we learn from Ewest's regular column. Like, who would have ever thought there is solid research showing that galvanized bait fish traps will catch more than the black fish traps?

This time of year I still get lots and lots of requests and questions about the venison pastrami article on the last two pages of Pond Boss from few years back, along with questions about building fish worm farms to eat your garbage.

Yeah, what Ken said! smile. Sorry, couldn't resist piling on! Humor intended.
I love that old book smell....And, of particular relevance this evening, given the nature of another thread detailing BGK's woes....

I've never had an old-fashioned print copy get hacked, compromise my security, and force me to change my passwords.....

Logical? No. Feels good? Yeah.
Interesting observation about bass and Texas in PB.

I dug out my oldest PB mag, that my Wife didn't throw away, dated Jan and Feb 2001. It's in B&W. At that time there was no PB website.

The advertisers are nationwide.

The articles:

Looking ahead to Spring.

Ask the Boss starts out with "Kansan hopes to promote crawfish". The questions/Lusks answers come from Kansas, Ms, Ca, La, and 2 from Texas.

Lake Conference set for Indiana.

The holistic approach to pond management

Primo forage or 10 steps to a rearing pond.

Texas to hold Bass seminar. This was from Texas A&M.

Florida fish experts pan Green Sunfish. The pan is a typo since it is about the Florida BANNING GSF.

The mag has never really been about Texas or bass.
Back in the good ole days, us Texas boys had our own “PondBass” club and then Lusk published a fancy slick magazine, joined the “wine and cheese circuit, hob-nobbed with folks that rode around in jet airplanes and left us ole country boys having to lissen to those Nawthen Inticultural types with fancy letters behind their names – us Southern Bass Bubbas don’t git no respect no more!
Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Lake Conference set for Indiana.

Hey, we need another one. 12 years is too long!

Dave, where was it at? City/town/lake??
I’ve been watching this thread now for 2 days, and trying to figure out where I stand on this. I like the idea of having more options for PB, but if I put myself in Bob’s shoes, then I have to figure out if this is cost effective. If it’s a loss or cost neutral, then you’re providing a service for people that are already subscribers and aren’t growing the subscriber base. If enough new subscribers aren’t inclined to subscribe to cover the increased costs, then it makes no sense.

If I was the “Pond Boss”, I would perhaps think about starting out with the oldest out of print issues, and making a CD/DVD/E version of those available. The info may not be published right now, and that may increase revenue. Where it gets sketchy to me is when you get to issues that are available for sale on the PB website. If you’re losing sales of 2001 and newer paper issues, then are you really helping yourself? Only Bob would know this. I do think it would be nice to be able to search older issues for articles if they were in a PDF format.

I do know that magazines like Mother Earth News offer archive CD’s, and they‘re updated yearly.

JKB, I know no ill intent was meant, but it did come out wrong. You’re an engineer, and you amaze me with the stuff you post. Several times I’ve had to Google your posts, and you’re right on target. So keep posting the stuff that makes me think. I love it!

But, I think you would agree that most of us that are (or were) in some type of technical field have to decide when effort vs. dollars comes into play. If I had a coding problem, and a $40 book saved me 5 hours of research, then I put money in my pocket. PB magazine does that for me.

I told Bob this very week that I don’t always read PB cover to cover. Some articles just don’t interest me. But, if I find that one gem like The Bugman article this year, then the whole subscription is worth it. Lucky for me (being from TX laugh ), there are many articles that I love.
Very poor assumption on my part. blush I apologize!

Well said.

It might sound funny, but have you thought about writing an article for the magazine? If I can do it, anyone can. And like Allen said, you do have a lot of good things to say.
Certainly one thing you have done well, JKB, is donate to the forum.

ALL should give generously simply for the value that has been and continues to be provided.

Remember, get your donations in this year, 'cause when we hit 2013, the Hall Of Fame starts all over again.
For what it's worth:

I have been following the forum for about 2-3 years, active for about the last year. I do not subscribe to the magazine at this point, but hope to in the near future. I was not going to add any comments to this subject, but got to thinking about how you can download a free copy of the magazine, which I did about a year ago. I realized that I have not read it!!!!!!!! Why, probably because it is not lying on a table somewhere that makes it conveinient for me. I think a hard copy sitting somewhere is also a big advertisement feature for the magazine itself. It is there for anyone to see it that comes along.

I would guess that those who are computer savy (and who would want a download version of the magazine) end up finding this forum. To me this forum is better than any online magazine that could be published. You have the search feature which lets you look up so much past information. If you can't find your answer, you can ask a specific question that is tailored to your exact need. How can that beat a regular magazine. Compared to other forums of all different kinds, this one far exceeds them. I can only guess on this, but the people that contribute to the magazine are also available here for questions. They may not give elaborate answers becauce the subject was in a magazine or past posts, but if the question brings up new ideas/thoughts/questions, they are without a doubt there to help.

With all the past PondBoss magazine issues that have been created over the years, it sure would be nice to have a computerized search method of them, much like the forum has. Not for the info itself, but of possible articles that may apply to your search. Then you could buy them as needed. I have heard many suggestions on posts that such-n-such was covered in an article, go buy it. Thats good, but that seemes like a limited way to find out and get additional revenue. Possibly there is already a way to easily search the back issues, but in the few years I have been here, I don't remember any mention of such or how to do it.

Thank you PondBoss for creating such a usefull forum, Jim

P.S. If anything, this thread has got me to think about how this forum is like a magazine and should be treated as such, and spurred me to donate. Hopefully it will remind other newer folks that this forum is as good/better than a magazine and will do so too.
Are readers aware that a Table of Contents and an index of subjects, keywords, important words, and topics of articles are available for all PBoss issues? These are located in the Common Q&A Archives. I am in the process of creating indexes for ten year periods to aid searching for species, subjects, and important items in all articles. First issue of PBoss was in Jul-Aug 1992. The index for 1992 thru 2002 is now in the archives. Take a look at it. The index for 2003 to 2012 is in preparation.
If a electronic database was a pay option on my subscription renewal I'd pay it in a heartbeat..
Count us in as well! Love magazines in real life but I'm trying to cut out stacks of magazines and books all over the place! Steve only reads the "real" thing.... but whose the boss here? wink
Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
Are readers aware that a Table of Contents and an index of subjects, keywords, important words, and topics of articles are available for all PBoss issues? These are located in the Common Q&A Archives. I am in the process of creating indexes for ten year periods to aid searching for species, subjects, and important items in all articles. First issue of PBoss was in Jul-Aug 1992. The index for 1992 thru 2002 is now in the archives. Take a look at it. The index for 2003 to 2012 is in preparation.

Mr. Cody... by far and away I think this is brilliant! I can't imagine how much time it is taking you to do this. Your work will be valued by thousands in search of specific answers to what troubles them. I look forward to wandering around in the archives!
Here are the last seven PB issue articles I wrote - none on LMB.

By Eric West

Walleye stocking - new info

By Eric West

Musky in small waters ?

By Eric West

Bits and Pieces

This edition of The Cutting Edge addresses some bits and pieces of info from several studies. The first two deal with sampling by traps and electrofishing. The next with the effects of turbidity i.e. suspended solids in the water and the last with an interesting aspect of habituation of new fish into an existing population with predators.

By Eric West

Baby Bluegill and Redear Sunfish

By Eric West

Catfish Nuggets

By Eric West

Young bluegill growth

By Eric West

Effect’s of Competition between species

Last issue we looked at interactions (competition) between channel catfish, largemouth and bluegill in small waters. Sticking with that overall concept this month we review some key points from several studies on competition among some other species that may be found in ponds.

First we look at a study by our very own Pond Boss supported scientists on a project we helped fund titled, Competitive interactions between walleye (Sander vitreus) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) under various controlled conditions
Scott, is was sponsored by the Indiana Lake Management Association for Pond Professionals. I doubt that there were a lot of them in those days. It was held at French Lick, In. Bob must have been hurting for something to write about in those days.

Thinking back, I actually met Bro Lusk at a Conference in San Marcos Tx in 2003. The name of the show was Bass 101 on how to manage ponds and lakes for better bass fishing. Like PB, then and now, it was about 10 to 20% about bass and 80% about ponds in general. Sponsored by Dr. Mike Masser of TAMU, it covered a variety of topics. The admission price, as I recall, was about $100.00 and the place was packed. I thought the best one was about raising bullfrogs. I met a bunch of pond pro's. I remember one speaker who I thought was full of BS. I still feel the same way about the guy even though he has a bunch of letters after his name.

Like most everything here, the lunch was BBQ.
Originally Posted By: ewest
Nice work Omaha !!! I like it when other people search with success !!! Search results are a freebie that the readers get.

I came so close to giving up and posting to just let you find it. wink
I can take a magazine to work, and read in down time. Or waiting for orders over a radio.
I should know better by now to avoid subjects on this forum that sometimes (most times) gets me in hot water by my poor communication skills.

Anyway – fools rush in where angels fear to tread!

OK, back to the magazine and PondBoss.
I take the magazine to belong to the club – I seldom read any articles except fishing or articles written by good friends.
The majority of folks I know have stock “tanks” and do their fishing in reservoirs.

We are fortunate in our area having TAMU and TP&W for pond management resources. I also know a couple of outstanding graduate fisheries biologists that relationships were established before I was familiar with PondBoss.

I am an avid fisherman and active on fishing several forum - ponds are a means to an end for me.
I would not subscribe to a digital magazine,

Hope I have not offended anyone.
Big issue I suppose but I do know some magazines like KayakAngler is available online and at no charge. For an upcharge you can get access to additional content.

Interesting note I found by drilling a little bit:

"We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Magazine Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage toward our project costs."

Maybe PB should move publication to Canada. laugh
I would continue to buy the regular publication.
Originally Posted By: FireIsHot
Interesting note I found by drilling a little bit:

"We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Magazine Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage toward our project costs."

Maybe PB should move publication to Canada. laugh

If it was a solar powered edition, we could get money from Washington for all of us
Interesting turns for this thread.

Thanks for all the input. Too bad the lurkers can't chime in, after all they would be the ones Bob and Mike would be trying to add to the fold.

For me, I like the paper version, but I would really like an electronic version for my travels.
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