Pond Boss
Posted By: docg Tilapia question - 09/17/10 11:53 AM
Rex or another expert. When is it a good time to begin removal of my tilapia? With it being 90 degrees for the next week, I'm sure it is not now, but when do they stop spawning? I would think when spawning has ceased, the time would be then.
Posted By: Rainman Re: Tilapia question - 09/17/10 03:13 PM
Docg, if you're wanting some to eat, starting now will be fine. They stop, or seriously slow down spawning in ~70 degree water and begin getting lethargic at around 60-65.

If you're thinking you need to start removing them because you're worried about dead fish floating up, it's doubtfull any will. Your larger fish will eat nearly every tilapia in the pond, even tha larger ones will get torn into smaller bites by catfish or turtles.

Waiting for the water to cool and fishing for them in the sun-warmed shallows works pretty well.
Posted By: docg Re: Tilapia question - 09/17/10 04:11 PM
thanks rex
Posted By: n8ly Re: Tilapia question - 09/18/10 01:11 PM
its now. they are much more active and eager to bite in the last warm weather of the year. if you wait till the very end your fish will get them all and you will get none.
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