Pond Boss
Posted By: CJBS2003 Texas Rains - 09/12/09 09:14 PM
Looks like much of Texas is getting heavy rains, some of that rain is badly needed, some of it isn't... With all the Texas forum members on here, how are you all fairing? Happy to have the rain or wish it would go away?
Posted By: Rainman Re: Texas Rains - 09/12/09 10:05 PM
Saw the floods the rain is causing due to hard, dry ground----it should fill many a BOW back up!
Posted By: davatsa Re: Texas Rains - 09/12/09 11:15 PM
Thrilled to have the rain, but Rainman nailed it for us...

The ground is so hard and dry that we needed a slow soaker to loosen it up. It rained too hard too quickly and the water is running wild. I won't complain, though.
Posted By: heybud Re: Texas Rains - 09/12/09 11:37 PM
We have had 2.5 inches of slow rain, which was needed. Now we need a good hard rain to fill the old pond up. A little south and east of us in rained 13 inches, which was a bit too much. We never complain about what rain we get at my house.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/12/09 11:43 PM
So far, yesterday and today, 4.8 inches at my house in the metroplex and more coming over the next couple of days. No idea how much at my place 60 miles NNW.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 12:00 AM
I've been watching the weather radar non stop for the food plots I planted in PA. It seems the rain parts around them like the Red Sea! Glad to see you all are getting some badly needed rain though. I know some of you were really hurting in that category!
Posted By: davatsa Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 01:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
I know some of you were really hurting in that category!

Many places south of San Antonio were in the worst drought in recorded history.

It literally looked like a desert in areas that are usually lush and green.
Posted By: esshup Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 01:27 AM
I drove around San Antonio this May when I was in Texas, and some of the corn fields were withered to nothing. It was looking pretty dry then, and that wasn't too long after Spring. I'd hate to see it now after the hot dry summer!
Posted By: TOM G Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 05:49 AM
All Ive gotten is a few sprinkles and some mist.My fish are coming up to the facet in the back yard for a drink.
Posted By: Rainman Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 06:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: davatsa

Many places south of San Antonio were in the worst drought in recorded history.

It literally looked like a desert in areas that are usually lush and green.

Dave, I shipped several hundred Tilapia to San Antonio last week. The client knew they could handle poor water quality, then asked if they could handle NO water quality!! \:D \:D

Of course he was joking but I still had to comment that it might pose a slight problem! \:D
Posted By: jeffreythree Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 12:25 PM
It just keeps dripping with occasional actual rain here at home. Wonder what 48 hours of drips adds up to? Glad I got out to mow around the pond for the first time in 4 months at the pond, would have been a jungle after the rain. Pond was full so I guess the rain was just going to make it muddy.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 01:12 PM
I feel bad for you guys in the Texas draught areas. We're being hit hard here in California, third straight drought year in a row. Water rationing is hurting many farmers here. When we last drove through the San Joaquin Valley (where the majority of California farming is done and where much of the produce of the United States is grown) you could really see the impact. The water allocation for farmers had been cut down severly. There were areas in which entire fields were left unplanted and groves of trees had be reduced severly. The farmers have placed signs along Highway 5 that say "Congress Created Dust Bowl" (referring to the water allocation reduction to farmers that was voted on by the California Congress.

The entire state of California is under drought conditions from "Abnormally Dry" to "Severe."

But if you look at the US drought monitor we are listed as severe where as parts of Texas are listed as Exceptional (which is the highest drought level).

US Drought Monitor
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 01:40 PM
So far, since Friday night, 6.8 inches here in Hurst.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 02:13 PM
Dave,I havent gone out and looked at my raingage,but 1 inch of steady RAIN ussually nets me a foot or a little more of runoff in the pond.So far its looks like Im up MAYBE 6 inches.The rain just keeps going around me.
Posted By: DavidV Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 02:42 PM
Leaving Dallas to go east to check on new pond. Been following radar and it appeared like we got quite a bit of rain. Will check back later today with an update and new pics, I hope. Last time we "checked" we nearly spent the night as my truck got stuck but the '47 8N came to the rescue.
Posted By: BrianH Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 05:01 PM
Here it has rained sinced Thursday night with very short periods of drizzle or less. Almost all was slow and it totaled 7.9". It soaked right up. Pond's not even full. Maybe raised it a foot or two. I am ready for it to stop.
I mostly finished building a one acre pond behind a half acre pond at the dairy and I don't want the old pond to over flow and wash those damn green sunfish into the new one. Yeah you heard me. They ruin a pond if they are the first ones in. I want to start over by pumping it into the new one and moving only bluegill and redear. I'll look to see how full it is Monday.
Posted By: chadwickz71 Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 06:39 PM
4.5" hear outside of Ennis. No runnoff really to speak of. Measured some cracks out in the bottom land a few days ago. Easily 4" wide and a measured 2ft depth.

This is really the best rain we could ask for. You can't always get what you want, but rarely do we get a good soaking rain like this. Its really going to help.

Didn't get much runoff but I'll take this anyday.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/13/09 10:17 PM
Been about 48 hours since the rain started. 8.1 inches in the rain gauge and it is sheltered by the house. Any coming from the East, which it has been, will only partly get in the gauge. At my house here, there hasn't been that much runoff from the lawn.

Can you believe that none of my neighbors at Bowie have a rain gauge?
Posted By: TOM G Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 12:17 AM
Hot damn,a rain band came thru a couple hours ago and I caught about 3-31/2 feet of runoff.YEEHAW,my fish get to swim instead odf walk for awhile.Ill catch a little more at least before the runoff stops.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 02:37 AM
Hey congratulations Tom. I just got off the phone with a guy at Bowie. Two days of continuous light rain and no runoff. In other words, a Farmers rain.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 03:53 AM
Glad to hear you guys keep getting or are finally getting the rain you badly need... Anyone want to spare a half inch or so?
Posted By: DavidV Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 04:42 AM
Existing pond came up 8". 6" for the new. Just enough to compensate for the recent evaporation. Disappointed but we will just wait for the next rain.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 10:31 AM
CJ,its rained a little off and on last night.I might be able to spare a little,let it turn light so I can see where Im at.How well does your laptop take "wet" email. \:D \:D

Update. Im stoked.Im about 3 feet from full pool.My pond doubled in size yesterday and last night.Another 3 feet and it will double again and Ill get ALL the rest of the spawning areas back.
CJ,Im sending you a PM. Be sure youre at the pond when you open it.Ha Ha
Posted By: rockytopper Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 01:59 PM
We have had a slow steady rain for 4 days all ponds primary spillways have been running at full bore for several days. A beautiful site considering we were about 4 feet down from the long hot summer. Sometimes it pays to have to much watershed.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 02:03 PM
Rocky,I was hoping you'd chime in.I was wondering where your rainfall fit in to the picture.
On a side note,I missed picking up one of my 3 inch pumps and it went underwater.One more thing to have to take care of today,as I plan on heading out to Branson tommorrow.Gonna be a busy day.
Posted By: rockytopper Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 02:08 PM
Tom, I think we have gotten a little over 5 1/2 inches in 4 days we could not have ask for any thing better. Have a good time in Branson, drink one or twelve for me.
Posted By: chadwickz71 Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 07:00 PM
8.5" now here outside of Ennis. Our 30acre lake was about 25 acres and 4ft low. Now its trickling out of the swillway and pushing 35 surface acres. Thats a lot of water!

I sure hope this is it. I have 225 Grass carp in that 30acre lake. Another 2-3" downpour will send it out over the spillway 2-3ft deep. There is no fence that will hold them in on a lake and spillway this size.

Everything else came up nicely. and is not running out of the spillways.
Posted By: chadwickz71 Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 07:08 PM
BTW, hopefully Todd Overton will post up his situation. I believe, like everyone else, were getting in a bind for water, especially with his operation.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Texas Rains - 09/14/09 09:21 PM
Yeah, this much rain that fast can't be good for everyone... I hope Todd fairs OK. Looks like the left overs are headed my way by Wed or Thur, thanks Tom G. I'll open that PM when I am where I want that rain to fall! HAHA
Posted By: esshup Re: Texas Rains - 09/15/09 12:41 AM
We were supposed to get rain here tomorrow, now they took that out of the forcast and say no rain for the next 7 days. The pond has dropped 13" in the past 2 weeks. I'm starting to pump well water in to the pond today. Hopefully the East Coast doesn't get dumped on all at once.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Texas Rains - 09/15/09 09:56 AM
CJ, you misunderstand.I'm not that good.I didnt send you rain.When you open it,its just one BIG puddle that oozes out of your laptop. \:D \:D
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Texas Rains - 09/15/09 12:06 PM
Darn! Well, then I won't open it!
Posted By: eddie_walker Re: Texas Rains - 09/15/09 01:38 PM
Nice to hear of all the rain that everyone received. It started here on Friday with a slow, steady downpour that lasted until Sunday morning with 1 1/2 inches of rain. Then Sunday afternoon, it opened up and dumped pretty good, but nothing like Monday morning where I received one inch in 20 minutes, another 3/4 of an inch in 20 minutes and another half inch in half an hour. My total for three days is 6 1/4 inches. Both ponds are overflowing. Todays forcast is 100% for heavy rains, which I'm going to expect means the rains are over and it will start to dry out. I don't have allot of faith with the weather forecasters as they got this entire storm wrong.

Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/16/09 10:06 AM
I went to my place yesterday and found that I had gotten 4.35 inches but almost no runoff. My ponds maybe came up 8 inches. I still need a frog strangler.
Posted By: james holt Re: Texas Rains - 09/16/09 02:06 PM
Dave the weather man said he bringin it to your door today! You should be gettin some runoff now.
Posted By: david u Re: Texas Rains - 09/16/09 02:10 PM
Same here DD1, we got 4" of rain in Montague Co over 3 days. NOT complaining, mind you, but it raised my pond a whole 1 1/2' and I'm still 5' low. Maybe we'll get some more rain \:\(
Posted By: Captain1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/16/09 09:46 PM
I'm just North of where Eddie Walker's property is and we have enjoyed many days of slow rain and finally got dumped on these past few days with more coming. I have never seen a rain pattern like this Low is creating. It's a "spinning top" that looks like it is rotating around an area covering 1,000 miles dumping rain over and over again. Our pond is nearly 3 years old and has yet to go over the spillway. The last few days rain has given us about 4 inches. The good news is that the pond has consistently been at a higher point than it was the previous year for the same date. I hold out hope that eventually it will be full - but I am still 2.5 feet from the spillway.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Texas Rains - 09/17/09 02:09 AM
Well, they were calling for 3" of rain in PA a couple days ago... Now we may get a sprinkle or too! My food plot isn't gonna do so hot if I don't get rain real soon!
Posted By: esshup Re: Texas Rains - 09/17/09 02:15 AM
Food plot? HA! The seeds will sprout next Spring! It's good to hear that the parched Texans are finally getting rain. Hopefully it won't be too much of a good thing!
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/17/09 02:34 AM
Looks like I'll be driving through it all day tomorrow to get to Missouri. Glad other parts of the country are getting some.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Texas Rains - 09/17/09 02:34 AM
Esshp, when do you leave to chase the speed goats?
Posted By: esshup Re: Texas Rains - 09/17/09 06:57 AM

The 23rd to arrive on the 24th. Unless the g'smith spends big bucks to ship the new rifle, it doesn't look like it'll make it. It hasn't shipped yet.
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