Pond Boss
Posted By: teehjaeh57 In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 05:08 AM
I've been an In Fisherman subscriber for 20 years and as a youngster always longed to actually get around to posting a MA catch through the magazine. I wanted to see my name in print - establish myself amongst the hallowed few who have their exploits recorded and arriving in countless mailboxes across the globe.

However, the window [within 30 days of the catch] has been tight, and I've missed registering a 21" SMB from BWCA, many CC's over 33", and a few LMB over 24". Finally, this year I registered two beauty NP I caught last Summer in NW Ontario [44 and 45"] and the pics were of high quality. I was certain to have my name listed amongst the 2008 In Fisherman Master Angler Award Winners...perhaps within hours of delivery become a household name, and who knows, maybe even have my handsome mug splashed on the page posing with my fish!

Today, my magazine arrived. I dropped all the mail with my In Fisherman clutched in my hands and immediately called a family meeting. Gathered around the dinner table - I demanded perfect silence as I explained to my kids that life was soon to change for all of us as I was catapulted into the life of the fishing hall of fame. Lack of privacy, autograph seekers, paparazzi. I actually could feel beads of sweat forming on my sixhead, [forehead and then some] and my efforts to contain my excitement were excrutiating.

I held my magazine proudly before me, cleared my throat, and in a profound voice announced, "2008 Master Angler....Highlights"? I paused and reread. Highlights? It should have read "Master Angler LIST". I discarded it as a typo and quickly thumbed to page 66 as my children and wife huddled around me. My heart sank as I discoverd a scant two pages dedicated to the MA awards. I scanned the pics...turned the page...no sign of TJ Hudson or my pike anywhere. I read on..."This year we dont have the editorial space to list most of the award winners as we've done in the past...."

My jaw dropped. The Chickadees ceased to sing in the backyard. My cats ran to the basement.....For 20 years each and every MA fish registered has been chisled into the history of In Fisherman glory and delivered to countless mailboxes across the globe. The first fish I ever recorded happen to be the year they run out "editorial space"? Unbelievable. I was completely deflated. My kids and wife shuffled away from the cloud of shame building around me...even my 5 year old August, never at a loss for words, apparently found himself too embarrassed to speak.

I sank into my chair fully prepared to bathe in my misery when out of the corner of my eye I saw a sparkle, a glint of something white as the driven snow. Something clicked....I know that color...I know that brilliant white color. I picked up the magazine and looked closer - and there he was - my pal, Bruce, front and center, one of the very few, the very proud anglers chosen to become instant fishing heroes, posing with a 29.25" Wiper. Although mine isn't visible from the International Space Station, I had to smile for my bro - knowing he was arriving in countless mailboxes across the globe at that very moment.

Epilogue: I don't REALLY care about awards, and this is merely a story, however truthful, related only for the pure enjoyment of my PBF fam.
I'm shedding a tear. Is there no shame or justice?
Posted By: Sunil Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 12:12 PM
The whole account makes me think of the movie Christmas Story.

Way to go Bruce! (This does not help me to like you more)
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 12:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: Sunil
The whole account makes me think of the movie Christmas Story.

Really? I was thinking Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle.

(This does not help me to like you more)

Me either, even though he's earned and deserved it. ;\)
Posted By: Sunil Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 12:34 PM
"Me either, even though he's earned and deserved it."

OK fine, but don't tell him that.
Posted By: Brettski Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 12:48 PM
Bruce "Grinch" Condello
epic story tj.
Posted By: bobad Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 01:36 PM
Is The Condello getting more and more like The '85 Bears, or is it just me? \:D

All seriousness aside, good story TJ. I feel the irony and frustration.
Posted By: Brettski Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 01:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: bobad
Is The Condello getting more and more like The '85 Bears, or is it just me? \:D

...we'll know when the Mod's present the Bluegill Shuffle
 Originally Posted By: Brettski
 Originally Posted By: bobad
Is The Condello getting more and more like The '85 Bears, or is it just me? \:D

...we'll know when the Mod's present the Bluegill Shuffle

He has lots of BG that could qualify for
Posted By: davatsa Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 02:05 PM
 Originally Posted By: bobad
Is The Condello getting more and more like The '85 Bears, or is it just me? \:D

Bruce has nothing on my man Mike Singletary.

But seriously--congratulations, Bruce! We're lucky that Bruce shares his time & knowledge with us when he could be fishing with Hank Parker, filming shows for Purina Mills, or getting his mug on the cover of magazines. Oh wait...
Posted By: Dwight Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 02:17 PM

Recognition is fleeting when there is a gleaming celebrity in our midst.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 03:21 PM
Truth is - I've caught maybe 10 fish in my life that would qualify for IFMA - Bruce did that over the winter even though he ice fished twice. It's all about the numbers!

Congrats Bruce - hope the view is nice up there standing on the shells of turtles like Yertle's.
Posted By: jakeb Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 03:41 PM
Great story TJ

In other news, Bruce Condello soon to appear on Oprah to teach her how to fish and get a whiter smile at the same time.
Oprah, being from Mississippi, I'm pretty sure she has had a cane pole in her hand before. ;\)
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 05:02 PM
Shhh... Bruce's head is gonna get so big it won't fit through the door!

TJ, I'm sorry for your loss...

Bruce, well... Congratulations!
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 05:05 PM
I might get over it a little easier if Doug Stange invited me for a day of fishing!

Actually, if you haven't checked out the recent IF its got an awesome article on ULTRA light panfish gear [1 wt modified fly rod blanks] and a great article on Walleye hollow bodied plastic rigging that seem all the rage these days.

Oh yeah, and some lame pics of guys with fish on page 66 - 67.
Posted By: ericdc Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/24/09 11:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: burgermeister
Oprah, being from Mississippi, I'm pretty sure she has had a cane pole in her hand before. ;\)

don't forget about the five gallon bucket.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/25/09 12:34 AM
I just got my issue of In-Fisherman.

That is the fattest freaking HSB I have ever seen. How much did that thing weigh, Bruce?
Posted By: jakeb Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/25/09 12:38 AM
Thanks Theo, now im gonna have to go buy an In Fisherman just to see this picture...
Posted By: bbjr Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/25/09 02:51 AM
That is a great story... congrats on the fish!
 Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
I just got my issue of In-Fisherman.

That is the fattest freaking HSB I have ever seen. How much did that thing weigh, Bruce?

I'm going to conservatively guess it at 14 pounds.

Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/25/09 04:44 AM
Where was it caught Bruce? Size of lake/pond? Depth? Details...
Posted By: jakeb Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/25/09 04:48 AM
I just wanna know what kind of fight it gave ya!
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 03/25/09 05:12 AM
Hmmm... I have caught 40 lb plus stripers, I am sure his arms were hurting by the end if it was caught on anything close to sporty tackle!
Posted By: Typenice Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 04/22/09 05:27 AM
If it makes you feel better every qualifying fish hasn't made it's way into the magazine in the past. For example in 2007, I caught a 21.5 inch smallmouth from lake Erie (region 5) and had it registered.

I received my snazzy badge, species tag and letter in the mail. I too was excited and thought my fish and/or name was going to appear in the magazine. But, it turns out only a certain amount of the smallmouth entries were printed for each region that year. I missed being in the magazine by 1/8 of an inch. So, even in the past, there was no guarantee of making it in the magazine just because you entered a qualifying fish. However, I did get my name and fish printed on the "Full List" via the on-line PDF. That's where I found out I missed making it into the magazine by an 1/8 of an inch. Damn, who measures a bass at 21.625 inches??? I'll tell you who: Ed Porowski

What region did your fish belong to? I know you said you caught them in Northwest Ontario. If its region 4, you had a good "chance" of making it in there in'08 had they not "run out" of editorial space(stating the obvious). Even, some 41 inchers made it in '07 from region 4. But, you never know. To get a pic printed now that is very difficult. All of the pike pics (region 4) from '07 contained fish that were over 47 inches. Now, if your pike were caught in region 5 you would think they would be listed in the mag (i.e. 45"-44" is huge for that region) but, in '07 they didn't list a single pike for region 5 in the mag (only online). Imagine that, having the largest fish for a particular species and region and not getting in the mag!

Turns out, '08 wasn’t the first year IFM had a "shortage" of editorial space. By the way, regardless of where you caught your fish, those are some big gals, congrats and I think you deserved to at least get your name in the mag.

Anyway, this past fall my buddy Bri caught a 42 inch King Salmon (region 5) and I took a beautiful pic of it. He entered it and got his "credentials" in the mail. The largest King in'07 from region 5 was 41.5 inches. So needless to say, I thought he was going to have a "full spread". It didn't happen. He didn't even get mentioned in the mag. I think a bunch of "pig" Kings were caught and registered this year in region 5 (I don't have my mag with me right now to reference but i think that was a reason). Not to mention, they only had the "Highlights" printed. Well I don't know about you but a 42" king salmon is certainly a highlight in my eyes. I guess Doug sees things differently. lol

Thought I'd share my experiences with you and let you know you’re not the only one who has been let down by Mr. Stange and his staff.lol All that matters is that you caught and landed those fish. Good job! I'll be looking for your entries on-line. Email the pdf. to your friends if you want. That’s what I did in '07. lol.

Keep your lines tight and your drag where it needs to be!

 Originally Posted By: Typenice
If it makes you feel better every qualifying fish hasn't made it's way into the magazine in the past. For example in 2007, I caught a 21.5 inch smallmouth [img]http://www.sandersfishingguides.com/photo_gallery_view.asp?ID=1470[/img] from lake Erie (region 5) and had it registered. I received my snazzy badge, species tag and letter in the mail. I too was excited and thought my fish and/or name was going to appear in the magazine. But, it turns out only a certain amount of the smallmouth entries were printed for each region that year. I missed being in the magazine by 1/8 of an inch. So, even in the past, there was no guarantee of making it in the magazine just because you entered a qualifying fish. However, I did get my name and fish printed on the "Full List" via the on-line PDF. That's where I found out I missed making it into the magazine by an 1/8 of an inch. Damn, who measures a bass at 21.625 inches??? I'll tell you who: Ed Porowski

What region did your fish belong to? I know you said you caught them in Northwest Ontario. If its region 4, you had a good "chance" of making it in there in'08 had they not "run out" of editorial space(stating the obvious). Even, some 41 inchers made it in '07 from region 4. But, you never know. To get a pic printed now that is very difficult. All of the pike pics (region 4) from '07 contained fish that were over 47 inches. Now, if your pike were caught in region 5 you would think they would be listed in the mag (i.e. 45"-44" is huge for that region) but, in '07 they didn't list a single pike for region 5 in the mag (only online). Imagine that, having the largest fish for a particular species and region and not getting in the mag!

Turns out, '08 wasn’t the first year IFM had a "shortage" of editorial space. By the way, regardless of where you caught your fish, those are some big gals, congrats and I think you deserved to at least get your name in the mag.

Anyway, this past fall my buddy Bri caught a 42 inch King Salmon (region 5) and I took a beautiful pic of it. [img]http://www.sandersfishingguides.com/photo_gallery_view.asp?ID=2049[/img] He entered it and got his "credentials" in the mail. The largest King in'07 from region 5 was 41.5 inches. So needless to say, I thought he was going to have a "full spread". It didn't happen. He didn't even get mentioned in the mag. I think a bunch of "pig" Kings were caught and registered this year in region 5 (I don't have my mag with me right now to reference but i think that was a reason). Not to mention, they only had the "Highlights" printed. Well I don't know about you but a 42" king salmon is certainly a highlight in my eyes. I guess Doug sees things differently. lol

Thought I'd share my experiences with you and let you know you’re not the only one who has been let down by Mr. Stange and his staff.lol All that matters is that you caught and landed those fish. Good job! I'll be looking for your entries on-line. Email the pdf. to your friends if you want. That’s what I did in '07. lol.

Keep your lines tight and your drag where it needs to be!

Excellent and informative post! Thanks and welcome to the forum.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 04/22/09 06:33 PM
 Originally Posted By: Typenice
If it makes you feel better every qualifying fish hasn't made it's way into the magazine in the past. For example in 2007, I caught a 21.5 inch smallmouth [img]http://www.sandersfishingguides.com/photo_gallery_view.asp?ID=1470[/img] from lake Erie (region 5) and had it registered. I received my snazzy badge, species tag and letter in the mail. I too was excited and thought my fish and/or name was going to appear in the magazine. But, it turns out only a certain amount of the smallmouth entries were printed for each region that year. I missed being in the magazine by 1/8 of an inch. So, even in the past, there was no guarantee of making it in the magazine just because you entered a qualifying fish. However, I did get my name and fish printed on the "Full List" via the on-line PDF. That's where I found out I missed making it into the magazine by an 1/8 of an inch. Damn, who measures a bass at 21.625 inches??? I'll tell you who: Ed Porowski

What region did your fish belong to? I know you said you caught them in Northwest Ontario. If its region 4, you had a good "chance" of making it in there in'08 had they not "run out" of editorial space(stating the obvious). Even, some 41 inchers made it in '07 from region 4. But, you never know. To get a pic printed now that is very difficult. All of the pike pics (region 4) from '07 contained fish that were over 47 inches. Now, if your pike were caught in region 5 you would think they would be listed in the mag (i.e. 45"-44" is huge for that region) but, in '07 they didn't list a single pike for region 5 in the mag (only online). Imagine that, having the largest fish for a particular species and region and not getting in the mag!

Turns out, '08 wasn’t the first year IFM had a "shortage" of editorial space. By the way, regardless of where you caught your fish, those are some big gals, congrats and I think you deserved to at least get your name in the mag.

Anyway, this past fall my buddy Bri caught a 42 inch King Salmon (region 5) and I took a beautiful pic of it. [img]http://www.sandersfishingguides.com/photo_gallery_view.asp?ID=2049[/img] He entered it and got his "credentials" in the mail. The largest King in'07 from region 5 was 41.5 inches. So needless to say, I thought he was going to have a "full spread". It didn't happen. He didn't even get mentioned in the mag. I think a bunch of "pig" Kings were caught and registered this year in region 5 (I don't have my mag with me right now to reference but i think that was a reason). Not to mention, they only had the "Highlights" printed. Well I don't know about you but a 42" king salmon is certainly a highlight in my eyes. I guess Doug sees things differently. lol

Thought I'd share my experiences with you and let you know you’re not the only one who has been let down by Mr. Stange and his staff.lol All that matters is that you caught and landed those fish. Good job! I'll be looking for your entries on-line. Email the pdf. to your friends if you want. That’s what I did in '07. lol.

Keep your lines tight and your drag where it needs to be!

Hey Typenice;

Thanks for dredging up these painful memories...seriously though, it doesn't really matter to me except it was a nice avenue to try and generate a little levity and magnify the irony of my situation. Further, they published a pic of a guy with a much smaller NP and who was far less photogenic than I. Sigh...it's hard being beautiful - especially when no one else agrees.

I am glad to be in good company with you though - oh yeah, and 21.5 is an INDUSTRIAL SMB! Congrats man, and double congrats for allowing its genes to remain in the watershed - a lot of guys would have mounted it.

Welcome to the Forum - glad to see another SMB fan around - and another snubbed Master Angler.

Posted By: tjstubbs Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 04/22/09 09:19 PM
Tj, I really feel your pain. I too was denied my entry into the In-Fisherman hall last year with my 11.2 pound Erie walleye. I too jumped to the conclusion that I was too beautiful. Maybe we should contact them to start a group for In-Fisherman Master Angler Rejects. (IFMAR)

Bruce, I think Dr. Willis and I will agree when I say....Nice hat...:)
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 04/24/09 04:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: tjstubbs
Tj, I really feel your pain. I too was denied my entry into the In-Fisherman hall last year with my 11.2 pound Erie walleye. I too jumped to the conclusion that I was too beautiful. Maybe we should contact them to start a group for In-Fisherman Master Angler Rejects. (IFMAR)

Bruce, I think Dr. Willis and I will agree when I say....Nice hat...:)

Well, we TJ's have to stick together - so I'm down with the rejects club.

11.2 is an incredible Eye. Congrats...post a the pics on the forum for us!
Posted By: Typenice Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 03:33 AM
Thanks I never keep my catch. I checked the Master Angler '08 list on in-fisherman.com and its a lot better than the pathetic text only list they had last year. This year it looks like the magazine (pics and all) except an on-line version. Looks like they were all ready to publish it and just said forget it. JEEZ. Oh if your T.J. with a 44 inch pike from region 4 I see you!! That's got to be you....looks like you have been immortalized. Well my buddy Brian got his HUGE Chinook (king) Salmon picture up there and it looks real good at the top of the list 42inches 18 mile creek, NY. I think my photo skills took him over the top. hehe. I went out on Erie yesterday and banged a 20 inch smallmouth I was thrilled as was Brian.

Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 03:56 AM
Looks like a submarine - beautiful. I can't believe how nice the water looks in the background...all thanks to the invasive Zebras?
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 04:12 AM

Help a guy out with that link to the list? I've been looking at In-Fisherman for weeks without any luck of finding the new list.

thanks in advance
Posted By: P. Buckley Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 04:16 AM
When holding a fish like that you must smile for the picture.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 04:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello

thanks bro...I didn't even think you bothered looking at the common fishermen buried in the pdf? ;\)
Did you look closely at the carp section?
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 04:22 AM
Good lord, I need to go fish Last Mountain Lake sometime - there are tons of MA's from there - I hear it's a DRIVE IN lake only 30 minutes from Sask! Amazing.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 04:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
Did you look closely at the carp section?

Jeezo - they might as well just have a Condello section. That thing looks big enough for my kids to swim upon dophin style.

Are you coming to stock Ghost Shrimp and GSH and see the irrigation project tomorrow? Buy you a burger in Denton.
Posted By: Typenice Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 04:36 AM
Yep those zebras cleared up the water and the gobies made the submarine. I love those two invasive species. Of course some of that fish's size can be attributed to her eggs. That water is beautiful and clear but is still only 43 degrees. Its funny because every time I show someone a pic of me on Erie they are always blown away by the water color. I always say "who needs to go to the Bahamas? We have the same color water in Buffalo and a lot better smallmouth fishing!" hahaha

Did you see Bruce's 40.5 inch carp on in-fisherman.com? whoa that's a big fish. We have some great fisherman on this site....they are all over that master angler's list. I thought my buddy Brian's 20 pound mirror carp was big. Well I guess its just kinda big but very beautiful.

Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 04:48 AM
I've heard mirror carp cannot get as big as normally scaled carp. I can't seem to recall why. They are the same species, but it's what I recall hearing anyways. Nice looking fish, for a carp anyways... HAHA
Posted By: Typenice Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 05:03 AM
thanks I'll tell my buddy.

here's a pic of a 90 pound mirror. they get big alright it's the world record for any common. or at least it was on 4-9-09

 Originally Posted By: Typenice
Yep those zebras cleared up the water and the gobies made the submarine. I love those two invasive species. Of course some of that fish's size can be attributed to her eggs. That water is beautiful and clear but is still only 43 degrees. Its funny because every time I show someone a pic of me on Erie they are always blown away by the water color. I always say "who needs to go to the Bahamas? We have the same color water in Buffalo and a lot better smallmouth fishing!" hahaha

Did you see Bruce's 40.5 inch carp on in-fisherman.com? whoa that's a big fish. We have some great fisherman on this site....they are all over that master angler's list. I thought my buddy Brian's 20 pound mirror carp was big. Well I guess its just kinda big but very beautiful.

Great fish! I love it!
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 05:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Typenice
thanks I'll tell my buddy.

here's a pic of a 90 pound mirror. they get big alright it's the world record for any common. or at least it was on 4-9-09

That fish looks more like a leather carp but the scales are in the wrong place, near the caudal fin and not the dorsal fin...

I did a little research on the mirror carp versus common carp to refresh my memory why their growth rates are different. The difference between mirror and common carp is both genetic and visual, biologically they are similar. The mirror carp was the first mutation of common carp, owing to two alternative genes, the S allele and the N allele. The genetic term for a mirror carp is "ssnn" (all minor). This lack of scales is widely believed to have been bred in by monks in order to make the fish easier to prepare for the table. This genetic difference also causes reduced numbers of red blood cells, slowing growth rates in the fish.

Contrary to popular belief, Leather carp are not Mirror carp without scales; there is a distinct genetic difference. Leather carp are permitted a few scales; however, the dorsal row of scales is either absent or incomplete. Leathers also have reduced numbers of red blood cells, slowing growth rates as well.

So the fact that the world record carp is a mirror carp is all the more impressive!
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 12:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
 Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello

thanks bro...I didn't even think you bothered looking at the common fishermen buried in the pdf? ;\)

There was a fisherman in that picture? \:o
Posted By: Typenice Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 03:35 PM
Seems a lot of those big ones don't have the traditional mirror look. However, I know there are all kinds of variations throughout the species regardless of fish size. Here are a few more examples of HUGE mirrors that look like leathers but are in fact mirrors. Yeah that trait is recessive so mirror carp are in fact more rare. At least where stocking isn't an issue. Ever since my buddy landed that fish these carp have me excited. Imagine that.

Posted By: Typenice Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/01/09 03:36 PM
Thanks Bruce I'll tell my friend Bri you said so.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: In Fisherman Master Angler List 2008 - 05/02/09 12:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
 Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
 Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello

thanks bro...I didn't even think you bothered looking at the common fishermen buried in the pdf? ;\)

There was a fisherman in that picture? \:o

As soon as I'm finished signing autographs on In Fisherman 2008 Master Angler List PDFs for the legions of adoring female fans I will respond, and in a very clever manner, to this question.
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