Pond Boss
Posted By: rtravis winter kill - 01/28/09 03:40 AM
hi to all pond people my question i live in michigan and my pond is a little smaler than 1/4 acre ihave about 15 5 to 6 inch bass 100 hybrid blue gills and 3 koi and mabey 2000 fat head minows its not 2years old yet about 12 feet deep in an area 30x30 of the pond now my question its been froze over for about a month anything i can do to prevent do it will probably stay frozen for another 4 to 6 weeks and should i shovel snow of it
Posted By: rmedgar Re: winter kill - 01/28/09 04:01 AM
Hi r, welcome. Glad you found us. I don't know much about Northern ponds, but I have heard some of the guys say to shovel some of the snow off in order to allow light to penetrate. Experts will chime in shortly.
Posted By: Kevin H. Re: winter kill - 01/28/09 04:54 AM
Hello Travis, I am no expert, but I think clear about 30% surface area, of snow off of ice, is recommended. I think I remember a previous post (last year) that said 30%? Welcome too, BTW!
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: winter kill - 01/28/09 11:55 AM
Good advice above to clear snow from a portion of the ice; the light that can then reach the water underneath will allow a little plant growth and hence oxygen generation for the benefit of the fish.

Only clear it off if you can do so SAFELY, however, as we want you to keep coming back to the forum.

If ice conditions don't allow you to physically get onto the ice, pumping water onto the snow above the ice can melt it and allow it to refreeze as clear ice, also letting light penetrate into the water beneath.
Posted By: Brett295 Re: winter kill - 01/28/09 04:23 PM
I think pumping water on to the snow on top of the ice sounds a lot easier than shoveling.
Posted By: rexcramer Re: winter kill - 01/29/09 12:35 AM
My Michigan pond has a foot of ice on it, I am sure yours is similar. I can drive my 4x4 ATV on it with no problems.
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