Pond Boss
Posted By: Brettski Mapping - 01/18/09 04:55 PM
Bob Lusk just made a forum entry in his blog about mapping a body of water. He mentions 40,000 waypoints and offers a few pics.
I'm asking one of 2 responses to this thread...

  • This is a very interesting process. I would love to know the details of execution and the equipment used. Can we discuss it on this thread?
  • ...or...can we put it off for a PB magazine article?

Posted By: overtonfisheries Re: Mapping - 01/18/09 07:17 PM
I believe Bob hired Trent with Pond Medics out of DFW area map this lake. Trent is a Cabelas lake mapping partner, and an advertiser in the magazine. Maybe Trent will chime in on the details of this project.

I recently signed on with Cabelas lake mapping as well. See http://www.cabelas.com/lake-mapping-services.shtml
Posted By: Trent Lewis Re: Mapping - 01/19/09 01:24 PM
Todd - thanks for making me aware of the new topic. Brettski, I think Bob is going to be writing an article about this subject in the upcoming issues, but not sure an exact time. In the meantime, if you're interested in learning more about the mapping service and how you might be able to utilize it yourself, contact the Cabela's Lake Mapping Partner in your area and they'd be happy to discuss what the mapping can do for you and your lake.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Mapping - 01/19/09 01:43 PM
ski, yes article coming, but quickly we (cabelas partners) use a simple system. Cabelas processes the data we simply drive around the lake and collect the data. You have to cover the shorleine closely to get enough data to show dropoff and also hit home with any other depth changes, humps, creek channels etc. Basically make a grid pattern over the lake. The data is collected with x,y on 1 sec intervals. We use a trimble geo xh unit and a depth finder. Every sec shows location of corresponding depth. Difficult to do this in less than 1.8 feet so those areas have manual depth inputs. The maps are in contour line or 3D or swim through technology. Pretty cool process. I believe Nate would be your man in your neck of the woods.
Posted By: Brettski Re: Mapping - 01/19/09 01:58 PM
Thanks guys.
Personally, I mapped my pond with a laser level, rod, and pencil/paper on a clipboard when the pond was still dry. Good enough for me.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mapping - 01/19/09 02:48 PM
I believe that Nate is a Cabella's pond mapping guy as well.

Prior to that he use more primitive methods.

Posted By: n8ly Re: Mapping - 01/19/09 10:49 PM
Technology is moving at an impossible pace to keep up with!
Thanks for the pic JHAP, makes me really miss summer!
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