Pond Boss
Posted By: LOVELACE LAKE Tagging bass - 08/04/08 04:49 PM
i thinking about maybe doing a study on the bass in my 40 acre lake. i am thinking about using a tagging system. my questions are:

1. what brand carries the best tagging products for a resonable price.

2. has anyone done this and what where there results. any died fish.

3. any reasons not to do it.
Posted By: jsand13 Re: Tagging bass - 08/04/08 06:20 PM
I just got my tagger and tags last week. I have tagged around 20 bass so far and it is really easy to do. I haven't seen any problems with them after tagging what so ever. I tagged 11 satuday morning and went back that afternoon and actually caught 2 that I had tagged that morning. I ordered mine from Greg Grimes at lakework.com the gun and 100 tags was like $130.00 plus shipping. It took a little practice to get the hang of it but after the first couple of fish it was simple. Read the thread on tagging 101 it explains it pretty well. Good luck!
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Tagging bass - 08/04/08 06:37 PM
Fish Tagging 101
Posted By: LOVELACE LAKE Re: Tagging bass - 08/04/08 07:10 PM
i also want a tag that a person can have something writing on it
Ex. please call 903-477-3664. do any companies do this.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Tagging bass - 08/04/08 07:10 PM
Thanks, the tagging should not take the place of a fishery survey. However it does provide intersting and useful information. The tag guns we use are floy tag. They have been used in research for over 30 years. We have shocked bass that had legible tags from 4 years prior. Mortality should be zero if bass is handled with care. No reason to not do it unless you have an aversion to having fun.
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