Pond Boss
Posted By: george1 Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 11:37 AM
There seems to me to be some ambiguity about terminology of “structure” versus “cover” - to me anyway.

I look at Eastland’s fantastic dozer work as “structure”, the same as I would consider deepwater channels, points, drop-offs, etc, as “structure” in large reservoirs.

I consider “cover” as both “surface” and “submerged”, sometimes a combination of the two – surface cover being aquatic vegetation, dead trees, etc, and submerged cover being sunken cedar trees, pallets, or underwater creations left only to the imagination of forum members.

Discussion on the forum about “structure” may be at times confusing.
What do you think?
Posted By: ewest Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 01:07 PM
George you are right with the definitions. However many people use the terms interchangeably. Even more complicated is when cover is placed on structure (xmas tree pile on a point or in a channel). \:o - - ;\)
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 02:59 PM
Well, george, I found where I became mistaken about "structure" vs. "cover". ;\)

From Lusk's "Raising Trophy Bass":

Cover - Objects, natural, inert or man-made, that create an irregularity on a lake bottom. This broad range of bottom features may include rock piles, log jams, creek channels, cinder blocks, even old car bodies. These shapes or areas serve as hiding places or social gathering points for fish. Structure.

Structure - Underwater hiding places and social gathering points for fish. Fishermen look for structure underwater, anything irregular along the bottom of a pond or lake. Cover.


While "structure" vs. "cover" might be a little confusing (personally, I don't think it's as bad as "perch" vs. "trout" vs. "bass" vs "sunfish"), as soon as we start talking about either term, I want to see pictures or get good explanations of exactly what is being discussed - underwater dirt ridges, Christmas trees, BG condos, rockpiles, or whatever. Once we get to that level of detail, it's a moot point, eh?
Posted By: Eastland Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 03:43 PM
George has a good point. If the pond formation should consist of 10-15% structure, what is the correct percentage for shallow water cover?
Posted By: george1 Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 04:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
Well, george, I found where I became mistaken about "structure" vs. "cover". ;\)

While "structure" vs. "cover" might be a little confusing (personally, I don't think it's as bad as "perch" vs. "trout" vs. "bass" vs "sunfish"), as soon as we start talking about either term, I want to see pictures or get good explanations of exactly what is being discussed - underwater dirt ridges, Christmas trees, BG condos, rockpiles, or whatever. Once we get to that level of detail, it's a moot point, eh?

Theo, it's a moot point for the well informed as yourself but confusing for the neophyte pond owner.
I would be nuts to argue with Lusk over definition of “cover vs. structure” as far as ponds are concerned, but on a broader scale they are often confused.
A "hump" on the bottom of any bottom of water is structure, and as ewest so wisely mentions, put something on top of it becomes cover...

The common use of the term “structure” as used on this forum is very confusing to me, so maybe so to others?

My definition of structure is consistent with what Eastland and others farther sighted than me, have created structure with a bulldozer to “attract” and hold suspended predator fish.
Cover placed on structure give little fishes places to propagate and hide, be it surface or submerged “cover”.

When not that far sighted, you drop in a car body or create a “Corona Reef” to create “structure, and of course both cover and structure in many cases.

Posted By: Eastland Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 04:40 PM
This makes my head hurt...so if 10-15% is the right answer (see Bob's book page 20) for structure, does that number include cover?
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 07:42 PM
Bob seems to use the terms interchangeably, IIRC.

I'm confused too, george. ;\) I'm going out on Pond #2 this afternoon to sink some floating rootballs. Am I creating or destroying cover or structure? \:D

FWIW I can accept and use your differentiated terms. But you are right, even if we try to separate the two words, some overlap occurs.
Posted By: ewest Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 08:27 PM
That is why the archive thread is named :

"Structure , cover, etc types and methods with pics"

Posted By: george1 Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 08:30 PM
Theo, My WATER PRIMROSE is "cover"...
Eastland's steep island drop-off channels are structure....WHEW...
Your floating roodballs are cover until you sink them - then they are structure....?

I've always associated the recommended 15 -20% structure/cover mostly shoreline aquatic vegetation and near shore pallets/tires/ plastic doo-dads, etc, etc???...
Posted By: ewest Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 08:36 PM
I associate the % to added cover/structure at all depths other than the natural pond bottom =(ditches , points , actual shore incline , channels , natural funnels , rock piles , islands etc made during construction are structure). ;\) -
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 09:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: ewest
That is why the archive thread is named :

"Structure , cover, etc types and methods with pics"

He doesn't just dance with legalese verbage, folks. \:\)
Posted By: george1 Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/01/08 10:49 PM
 Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
 Originally Posted By: ewest
That is why the archive thread is named :

"Structure , cover, etc types and methods with pics"

He doesn't just dance with legalese verbage, folks. \:\)

Posted By: george1 Re: Structure vs. Cover? - 06/02/08 01:15 PM
 Originally Posted By: george1
 Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
 Originally Posted By: ewest
That is why the archive thread is named :

"Structure , cover, etc types and methods with pics"

He doesn't just dance with legalese verbage, folks. \:\)


Eastland”s impressive “bulldozer structure” caused me to raise this question, since his primary predator was to be HSB with strong emphasis on crappie.

I agree with Eric that placement of structure/cover is likely more important than percentage.

IIRC, TP&L considers shoreline vegetation in their % recommendation?

For my goals in main pond, less is better except in upper shallower part of pond for forage recruitment.
In ¼ acre HSB/CNBG/RES there is no "structure", only limited shoreline vegetation cover, in order to control BG recruitment.

Again IMO “It All Depends”
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