Pond Boss
Posted By: gehajake Aquamax starter - 07/20/20 07:49 PM
I have been feeding Aquamax game fish chow for a few months now and while I dont have predator fish in my pond yet, I am trying to get my baitfish a good start, and besides its fun feeding them. I went and bought some Aquqmax starter feed, Real small dark looking pellets, I figured it would be perfect for the small fry to be able to handle the size, it was quite a bit more then the regular game fish chow, they simply don't care for it at all, I have tiny little fish chewing away at the game fish chow that is too big for them to eat and completely ignore the starter.
Has anybody else had any experience with this or is it just me or my fish? Thanks in advance for any input!!
ps I tried to use the search function on here but couldn't find any info on the subject, it seems to bring up every forum that mentions Aquamax somewhere in its body.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Aquamax starter - 07/20/20 10:06 PM
I have found that fish too small to swallow whole pellets just keep pecking away at them as they soften until they are gone.
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