Pond Boss
Hello everyone, this is my first post here but I have been reading for some time now.

Last January, I bought a piece of property with about a 1acre pond on it. It had been divided at the time of sale. The property originally had a home on it with a 250ish' well (lots of water there here in East TX) that was being used to supplement water to the pond during the hot TX summers.

Now that well is owned by my neighbor, who has graciously allowed me to run the pump to fill the pond 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off to keep it at a healthy level all summer.

I had an existing 250' well dug on my property from some oil drilling in the early 1990's. We put a 25gpm pump on it last month and now I am wanting to run some water down to my pond (all downhill) so I do not have to bother my neighbor to fill my pond in the future.

My neighbor's well was installed with some type of black poly-flexible piping that they snaked slightly undergound through the woods. What is this stuff, and is it the best option?

I really like the idea of having something flexible, as I can get it down to the pond ASAP and trench it in later. The line would run through the woods the entire way and would never be in a place that would have any contact with anything (besides wildlife)

I really appreciate your tips!
It has been my experience that the flexible black piping has not held up as good as plain old PVC for me over years.
Originally Posted By: Tums
It has been my experience that the flexible black piping has not held up as good as plain old PVC for me over years.

That is what I have been told as well. It just sure would be a lot easier up front to use that stuff as I would be able to bend it gently around trees / rocky soil, and it would contour with the slopes of my land better than regular PVC.

...but I don't want to have to replace it all and try to find a leak in the 600 feet of it sometime either! Thanks for the reply! smile
Originally Posted By: Tums
It has been my experience that the flexible black piping has not held up as good as plain old PVC for me over years.

What are you calling "Flexible Black Pipe"? Description?
Originally Posted By: JKB
Originally Posted By: Tums
It has been my experience that the flexible black piping has not held up as good as plain old PVC for me over years.

What are you calling "Flexible Black Pipe"? Description?

Same stuff as the 1/2" black poly drip irrigation tubing, but on a larger scale. They use the stuff here for running from the well pump to the bladder tank.

The only problem that I see running it above ground is if you have any squirrels or other critters that chew. Around here, it's like a dinner bell. It'd have a hole in it within 2 weeks here.
Welcome to the forum, Econ!

I agree with Scott and Tums - schedule 40 PVC is the most reliable and permanent solution. You shouldn't have too much trouble finding a straight enough path to your pond, will require a little forethought to plan the route. Also, a straight shot helps reduce friction and GPM loss with lots of twists and turns or elevation changes that would be inherent with the flexible tubing.

Like Scott, tubing would not last long here, either due to critters and my own carelessness. Hate to render the project into constant leak repair jobs...doesn't need to be that way.

Saw 250' 1.5" Schedule 40 PVC for $150 online today. $600 for 1000' is a pretty fair price IMO.
Originally Posted By: JKB
[quote=Tums]What are you calling "Flexible Black Pipe"? Description?

Originally Posted By: esshup

Same stuff as the 1/2" black poly drip irrigation tubing, but on a larger scale. They use the stuff here for running from the well pump to the bladder tank.

The only problem that I see running it above ground is if you have any squirrels or other critters that chew. Around here, it's like a dinner bell. It'd have a hole in it within 2 weeks here.

Actually, that's not what I am referring to. The well already feeding my pond from my neighbor's place has this black, seemingly plastic pipe that runs down to the pond. I will have to take a pic. It's at least 1.25-1.5" and it's some pretty thick stuff. At least 1/4". I have tried to do a little internet research to figure out what it is, but I can't find a link to it anywhere.

Maybe we ARE talking about the same stuff, esshup, but this stuff I am talking about is pretty heavy duty stuff.

I appreciate the thoughts / comments so far!
Something like this maybe?

Originally Posted By: esshup

That just might be the stuff. It looks pretty similar. I am going out to our land today, I will try to take a couple of good pictures to report back to this thread with.
Here are a couple of pics... (hat and boot for size reference wink )

It does look like it is some form of high-density polyethylene. Is this stuff actually unreliable? It looks like it would have just a good of a chance of lasting as regular old PVC would from what I am reading?

I wouldn't worry about it. It will probably hold up better than PVC.
What I had was black roll PVC. Nice boots BTW
Originally Posted By: JKB
I wouldn't worry about it. It will probably hold up better than PVC.

Thanks. It really does seem durable when you see it in person!
Originally Posted By: Tums
What I had was black roll PVC. Nice boots BTW

Ahh, sure. I know the stuff you are talking about. Yeah, this stuff is a little more industrial. Now I just need to find a vendor who sells it!

Thanks on the boots, ha! They were hard to find. Only place I was able to find them was the venerable Allen's Boots in Austin.
I like the hat too!
Originally Posted By: esshup
I like the hat too!

Thanks, it was an expensive one! laugh
Originally Posted By: Econometrics
Originally Posted By: esshup
I like the hat too!

Thanks, it was an expensive one! laugh

But, I'd bet it was well worth the price. wink
Originally Posted By: esshup
But, I'd bet it was well worth the price. wink

I will tell you soon, hopefully. Been patiently waiting since the middle of 2012, ha!
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