Pond Boss
Posted By: prentissbo All Weeding products page - 03/19/07 06:52 PM
I just found this page if anyone is looking for weeding products. http://www.lakeweeds.eventwebsitebuilder.com/page/page/1674759.htm Opinions of any of the products would be useful. The Aquatic Vegetation Groomer looks downright dangerous, a weed whacker with a circular saw blade in the water. Don't let your RES get hold of that one.
Posted By: Limb Bream Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 02:01 AM
Now those are some serious weeding tools! I might purchase the Weed Wheeler in a few months. Its pretty expensive but it sure looks like it would work.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 11:39 AM
Interesting bunch of fizzlegidgets. I don't think I've ever heard of clearing algae by using aquasonic sound. I didn't look to see whether they have a money back guarantee on it.

Here's the problem with weed clearing "devices" including rakes, etc. When you cut the weeds, they fall to the bottom and become part of the nutrient load which starts another cycle. I've tried everything from dragging bedsprings to expensive rakes through the weeds. They have always returned. I have killed them using chemicals but they still return for another blast. Grass carp seem to be the best tool I've found. They just don't eat everything.

I wish I could find a huge vacuum that would suck the weeds out and onto the bank without sucking up fish and the other good stuff. Also hunting for a strong back and weak mind to operate the vacuum.
Posted By: Limb Bream Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 12:39 PM
I know what you mean Dave. My biggest problem is alligator weed and water primrose. No matter how much I cut/pull it always seems to return. This is the only method that I found that shows some results, for a little while at least. I did add a couple grass carp to my pond last week, but once again, I don't think they care for these two weeds much.
Posted By: bobad Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Limb Bream:
My biggest problem is alligator weed and water primrose. No matter how much I cut/pull it always seems to return.
That sounds familiar. I guess those are the 2 biggest problem weeds in our area. I've seen ponds just about choked out with them. My pond is new, with not a single weed so far. If I see a single alligator weed or WP, I'll try to nip them in the bud.

I honestly don't think a heavy infestation can be defeated by mechanical means. I think it would take chemicals.
Posted By: Limb Bream Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 02:24 PM
That's great if you don't have any weeds yet. For some reason my pond edges were full of them from the beginning. I've been fighting them ever since. I just recently began aerating and am hoping this helps to control some of the weed growth from a secondary effect (lessening some of the nutrient amounts that the weeds use for food). If this keeps up, like you said, I'll try to hit them heavy with chemicals.
Posted By: george Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 03:25 PM
I've mentioned this in previous posts, but goats will keep your pond edges manicured if you are able to accomadate them in your area. They love water primrose. They simple wrap their lips around the vine and pull the whole mess out of the water. Also control grass, weeds, and willows. Don't know about cattails.
Of course tilapia and GC control other aquatic vegetation.
Goats will not get in the water as cattle will.

Just wish goats would eat FA... \:D
Posted By: stuck in the weeds Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 03:41 PM
I have used the Aquatic Vegetation Groomer and was surprised to find that there is (in my opinion) almost no danger contrary to the posting above. The reason? It runs at such a low RPM and there is nothing spinning - it reciprocates. I dont know if I could have hurt myself even if I tried. It worked good for trimming along the pond edge. Why - because with nothing spinning (such as a brush cutter or whip) it didnt throw the small fragments into the water - they just fell over. Thats why its the golf course's favorite tool - they can cut near sand traps or ponds and not have stuff flying everywhere. Thats my 2 cents!
Posted By: stuck in the weeds Re: All Weeding products page - 03/20/07 03:43 PM
Oh Yeah....As for the cutters and rake devices creating more nutrient fuel, all of the vegitation in my pond floats to the surface once cut (with the exception of one strange weed that I have). So, I use my weedrazer to do it on a day when the wind is blowin in the direction I want it to, cut and pick them up at the waters edge.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: All Weeding products page - 03/21/07 02:15 AM
Interesting. I've not had the same experience with all of the weeds floating to the sides. Mine are fairly neutrally buoyant and stay where they are or sink.
Posted By: Limb Bream Re: All Weeding products page - 03/21/07 06:01 PM
George, I wish I could contain some goats on my place. That sounds like an incredible idea, its just not possible where my pond is located.

I love the goat picture you posted a while back. It makes me laugh everytime I see it. \:D
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: All Weeding products page - 03/22/07 02:51 PM
Weeds are a pain. I tried manually removing Elodea but the stuff grows so fast it seems futile. Time for some chemical treatment.

Goats won't do me much good unless I can teach them to scuba dive and I just don't have the time.
Posted By: Limb Bream Re: All Weeding products page - 03/22/07 04:44 PM
\:D \:D
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