Pond Boss
Posted By: Tom F Hay seems to be working - 04/06/07 10:44 PM
After reading many of the threads on muddy water I though I would try some hay a and see if it would help clear my pond. I live next to a horse training facility so I was able to get a bail for free. I split the bail into ten flakes and put the flakes around my half acre pond. Weighted the flakes down with bricks. The pond has never had better zero visibility. Now after five days the visibility is around ten inches. When you consider that for the last three days we have had 20+ mph winds it's a pretty good improvement. I'll wait until the weather warms up again and put a fresh bail out.
Posted By: h20fwlkillr Re: Hay seems to be working - 04/07/07 01:36 AM
I have always had pretty good luck with hay.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Hay seems to be working - 04/09/07 04:30 PM
The State Biologists on the Mississippi Fishing website have recommended it. I haven't tried it.
Posted By: h20fwlkillr Re: Hay seems to be working - 04/09/07 06:26 PM
Very good alfalfa or clover work best, especially if hay is fairly fresh ( 2 yo max) To see if the hay will work, take a quart sample from the pond and place a teaspoon of vinegar in it. If it clears, it will work.
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