Pond Boss
Posted By: stuffum07 Cloudy or Mirky Bluish Green pond water - 05/20/14 12:36 AM
I have a 1/4 acre pond used for fishing and also this pond supplies my house with water. Last summer I installed a Vertex 2 Diffuser aeration system in it. I run this pump 24/7. Now before I installed this aerator, My water was nice and clear. You could see my fish follow you around the pond. After I added this aerator, the water became cloudy. I was hoping it would clear up. A year later it still is cloudy and Mirky. About a month ago i added half a gallon of aqua shade in the pond. A day later the pond color looked great nice and blue still had no transparency but it looked nice. Now I can go out there its got a bluish Green tint with not transparency at all. I really dont have any algae or plants in the pond. I should say i dont see any algae from the surface of the water. Not quite sure how to get the cloudiness from the water. Does anybody have any suggestions. It would be much appreciated.
Have you test pond water?
From water test you will able to know about water pH, ammonia, phosphate and nitrates level that can be a cause of cloudy, murky water.
Posted By: esshup Re: Cloudy or Mirky Bluish Green pond water - 05/23/14 02:12 PM
If the diffuser station was installed correctly it shouldn't be stirring up the bottom. When you say the water is cloudy and murky, if you put a white coffee cup on a string (a secchi disc would be better) how far beneath the surface of the water can you still see it? (in feet)
I have not tested the water yet. This is something somebody else has mentioned to me as well. I still need to go buy a ph test kit. Where should i be on the scale or what is a good ph balance to be at to have a good healthy pond. We have also gotten a lot of rain this past spring. Not sure if that would effect it, but I look at my neighbors 1/3 acre pond his has a nice, blue, and clear.

As far as the diffuser goes I guess I dont know how it would have been installed incorrectly. How are they supposed to be installed?? I have one in the deep end and one in the shallow end. Dont remember what pressure i have it set at it, But I have nice bubbler effect coming from the water. I mean I have seen other diffusers and compared mine to others and I'd say it looks okay. So maybe can you elaborate more on this. I'm pretty new to all of this stuff. I have only owned the house for a lil over two years. And no one in my family has ever owned a pond before so it has been a learning experience for all of us. Thank you for your guys help
SORRY forgot to answer your other question. You can only see about a foot down if that
Posted By: esshup Re: Cloudy or Mirky Bluish Green pond water - 05/28/14 05:15 AM
re: correct diffuser installation.

The vertex instructions show using a rope to lower it to the pond bottom. If they are just tossed in, there's the possibility of it landing on the pond bottom upside down.
oh yes we did that. Filled with sand, lowered it down slowly using rope.
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