Pond Boss
Posted By: Ibanez540r Iris vs Pickerel - 04/29/24 10:58 PM
Have a 1/2 acre (.41) pond that has a retaining wall and river rock border. More of a formal/manicured look. Been trying to build & increase structure/habitat and increase the overall "ecosystem". (Have done several homemade artificial structure, just feel there's a lack of habitat for fry.) There is no vegetation due to too many Amur from previous owner(s). Under the wall is rip-rap. Appropriately steep edges all the way around down to a consistently flat 7.5-8' depth.

Have tried water lilies without success. Assumed due to the Amur, but caged them in chicken wire, no luck, and then tried another time with snow fence securing a corner with no chance of Amur getting to them. Still no luck. They grow but then something starts cutting the pads off. No turtles. Only thing I can think of is I did have a few Muscovy Ducks. I don't have them anymore so going to try one more time this year in the fenced area and see how it goes with larger plants to start. But just in case and as a backup..

Brings me to my question... I'd like to get some sort of bog or submerged plant going in the back left and right corner of the picture. Something that will be more likely to establish and less likely to be effected by Amur. However, it needs to have a bit of a "clean" appearance to fit in opposed to some some of the other "weedy" looking options. I THINK I've narrowed it down to Iris Versicolor (likely the new "Purple Flame" variety introduced in 2020) or Pickerel Weed/Rush.

Thoughts? Opinions? Differences? Pros? Cons? Etc...

NE Ohio

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Posted By: Boondoggle Re: Iris vs Pickerel - 04/29/24 11:28 PM
Pretty place. I wonder if you might have crawfish in the pond sneaking in and hitting the new plants. I've heard from several people that they can make it tough to get plants established. If it is crawfish.....1/4" mech cages should be helpful along with setting some traps to slow them down.

On my end I am using (or at least trying to use) both pickerelweed and Iris. You might check the depth of the planting for each of these. I thought that Pickerelweed was able to get out to 12-18" depths and Iris was a bit shallower. Might also be a PH difference for soil type requirement between the two.

Goodluck on the project.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Iris vs Pickerel - 05/02/24 01:48 AM
Also consider variegated sweet flag. I have quite bit available for you to try and get it started. It will grow hydroponically in the rock/stones around in the stone ledge. Iris and pickerel weed are good.
Posted By: DrewSh Re: Iris vs Pickerel - 05/02/24 12:45 PM
I love the Irises, pickerel weed, and variegated sweet flag, as well Lizard's tail! Bill gave me starts of irises, variegated sweet flag, and Lizard's tail last year and they are doing very well! I ordered 25 young pickerel weed plants off etsy last year for around $25 total and they are doing great as well, looking real healthy coming up this year. I have also gotten some Marsh marigold I need to get planted this year and see how it does.
Posted By: andrew davis Re: Iris vs Pickerel - 05/03/24 06:00 PM
Both Iris versicolor and pickerel are about as good as it gets when establishing pond plants.

Triumphing through adversity, the aquatic iris have no problem coping with whatever the worst weather can do. Extreme heat, cold, Days of storms, torrential rain, hail, no problem... They reach for the sky!

The iris has a deer resistant sap, while the pickerel is very popular with pollinators

Attached picture 1versicolor.jpg
Attached picture 26pickerel.jpg
Posted By: esshup Re: Iris vs Pickerel - 05/05/24 12:18 PM
Andrew, it's good to see you back here!!
Posted By: andrew davis Re: Iris vs Pickerel - 05/10/24 06:56 AM
Thank you for your kindness

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