Pond Boss
Posted By: MikeC Best way to deal with FA - 10/07/09 01:28 AM
My pond is pretty much covered with FA. What are some ways to get rid of it. I am nervous to add chemicals as I do not want to harm the fish.

Any good posts I should read on the subject?

Posted By: esshup Re: Best way to deal with FA - 10/07/09 01:49 AM
At this time of the year, I'd forget about it for this year and plan an attack for next year if it's floating FA.

If you are dead set against using chemicals, I'd look at Tilapia (if legal), or maybe Grass Carp if there are no other plants in the pond and you don't pellet feed.

But, I used to go the chemical route, and tried Tilapia this year, which seemed to help greatly. I'll increase the Tilapia density next year.
Posted By: MikeC Re: Best way to deal with FA - 10/07/09 02:19 AM
Would Tilipia live for very long in Southeastern Pa?
Posted By: Rainman Re: Best way to deal with FA - 10/07/09 02:53 AM
I believe you would need special authorization to stock Tilapia in PA.
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