Pond Boss
Posted By: Mark Brown Naiad Control with Grass Carp and dye - 07/21/23 12:12 PM
I have a 2 acre pond that has a pretty bad naiad problem that we cant seem to get under control with chemicals. I am using a commercial pond management company and they are doing a great job at service but the naiad is stubborn. The water has good color to it but we are thinking of putting black dye and some grass carp in the hopes of better control. I had 8 GC in there once before I renovated to help with FA. I don't think that worked well. Do you think they will eat the Naiad better than they did the FA? Looking for opinions.
Posted By: Snipe Re: Naiad Control with Grass Carp and dye - 07/21/23 04:57 PM
Do you think they will eat the Naiad better than they did the FA? Looking for opinions.
Yes, because TGC don't eat algae (FA), Southern Naiad is actual vegetation and grass carp will consume it. I'm not a fan of dye because it inhibits planktonic growth that supports all things in a pond.
Aquathol K granular works well on Naiad but it has to be treated before it matures.
I also have a 2 acre pond. By the time it was 4 years old it was FULL of naiad. I think I put in 20 grass carp in October. By the following June the naiad was all but gone. No dyes or chemicals whatsoever. Probably not what you want to hear but I think the FA problem got a little worse.
Posted By: Snipe Re: Naiad Control with Grass Carp and dye - 07/22/23 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by oldgeekinnc
I also have a 2 acre pond. By the time it was 4 years old it was FULL of naiad. I think I put in 20 grass carp in October. By the following June the naiad was all but gone. No dyes or chemicals whatsoever. Probably not what you want to hear but I think the FA problem got a little worse.

2 things here.. #1, start with 2-3 TGC per acre.
#2, when the aquatic vegetation that burns/utilizes nutrients is gone, the nutrients become available to form algal growth, hench FA or worse, Chara..
Small steps at a time.
Snipe, would you please explain your opposition to chara? I have none in my pond, but was considering finding some and transporting here in hopes that it might add diversity to the solid stand of elodea festooned with FA that torments me this time of year.
I've been dragging the pond with a heavy rake pulled by my quad. In addition to the elodea, I'm starting to pull in a pondweed that looks suspiciously like sago. The deeper water also has a grasslike plant that grows in small clumps of 5 to 20 sprigs about 3" tall. This last one doesn't show up on the TAMU nor other sites. Since you and I live in somewhat similar regions, have you seen this clumping plant?
Grass carp, I have 6 in a quarter acre, scarcely put a dent in my vegetation.
Posted By: Snipe Re: Naiad Control with Grass Carp and dye - 07/22/23 10:55 PM
My opposition to chara is that it starts very early and can eliminate nutrients that actual aquatic vegetation need to grow. Obviously this is a balance thing and chara grows more abundantly the harder the water.
If chara gets a hold, it'll over-take any beneficial vegetation present and grass carp can't control it because they can't digest it.
It grows back faster than you can kill it without killing the O2 profile.
We have a community lake here of 10 acres I've been battling this on and actually have mats of dead material over 1' thick. We have another small st lake that is having the same issues and our state NEPA group will not allow the use of Tilapia because someone found a brassy minnow in 1996 where there hasn't been water since 2003.
Thanks Kenny. I wasn't aware of how aggressive chara can be. I'll stay with what I have.
Posted By: Mark Brown Re: Naiad Control with Grass Carp and dye - 07/24/23 01:09 PM
I have a naid
Originally Posted by oldgeekinnc
I also have a 2 acre pond. By the time it was 4 years old it was FULL of naiad. I think I put in 20 grass carp in October. By the following June the naiad was all but gone. No dyes or chemicals whatsoever. Probably not what you want to hear but I think the FA problem got a little worse.

I have a naiad and FA problem. Chemicals have knocked the FA back pretty well but the naiad is unchanged. I am hesitant to TGC in as I definitely don't want character as a result. Maybe I should hold off on the GC this year and start earlier next year treeting the naiad? Our first sonar treatment was March this year which may have been too late given how warm the winters have been lately.
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