Pond Boss
Posted By: Bob-O Algea control products - 07/24/17 02:43 AM
Hope someone can help. This yr I have a somewhat troublesome algea problem. Not sure exactly what type I have, guessing Bluegreen. Have mats break off the bottom and float around the pond. It is greyish to brown and smell nasty. Could someone please give me reference to different brands of chelated copper algicides? I think one is Cutrine+ granular. Some products I find are good for string algea and some state no more green water, which leads me to believe means death to Phytoplankton, which I don't think I want.
Hoping Kelly Duffy wil chime in. Or anyone.
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: Algea control products - 07/24/17 02:50 AM
My blue green was emerald green when alive then turned bluish when it died. When you put some in a coke bottle filled with water to the top and sealed up after a few hours it smells musty when you uncork it. Nasty stuff
Posted By: Bob-O Re: Algea control products - 07/24/17 03:42 PM
Come on guys, someone must have some info on this ?
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: Algea control products - 07/24/17 04:00 PM
Send a pm to Kelly
Posted By: Bob-O Re: Algea control products - 07/24/17 06:13 PM
Thanks Pat, guess I may have ta do to that. I'm a bit paraniod that a creature may emerge from my lagoon.
Posted By: scott69 Re: Algea control products - 07/25/17 01:10 AM
bob, do you think it might just be fa? my experience with fa was mats that broke free from the bottom and floated up. liquid cutrine always did the trick. i have noticed it kicked back my bloom a little like you mentioned.

i forgot to mention in the other post i have going about diquat, but my pond seemed to bloom as soon as the pondweed and chara was knocked back. within just a few days.. might just be coincidence
Posted By: Bob-O Re: Algea control products - 07/25/17 02:30 PM
As Pat mentioned FA is usually green when it surfaces. This stuff is grey/brown and by my verbal description BC(new acronim, Bill cody) thinks it's Blue Green algea. I know there are around 18000 types of algea.
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