Pond Boss
Posted By: chuckinnc Will Tilapia help control watermeal - 04/11/17 05:22 PM
Have a landlocked pond, spring fed with almost no runoff, covered with watermeal. I read grass carp would not work because they grow fast and
watermeal will go thru their lungs. Sense they have to be sterile in N.C. I can't raise them to get a constant supply of fingerlings. I thought of trying raise Tilapia in a small backyard to supply fingerlings for the big pond, wandering if anyone has tried this.
Posted By: anthropic Re: Will Tilapia help control watermeal - 04/11/17 06:25 PM
Chuck, my understanding is that tilapia focus more on algae than duckweed. However, there are real experts here who know more & I'm sure will give you the straight story.

Two points to remember: Make sure stocked tilapia are legal in yuor state (they aren't in every state), and they won't survive the winter outdoors, so you will need to restock every year.
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