Pond Boss
Posted By: mn burt grass carp getting eaten - 12/11/05 04:06 AM
Brand new to the forum. But I d have a question or 2.

I am developing a problem with American Pond Weed. I have been raking it out some, but the old back is complaining.

My question; will grass carp eat it and will my 4 pound bass eat the graass carp?
Posted By: Bruce Condello Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/11/05 04:20 AM
Grass carp (white amur) absolutely will eat American pond weed. In my ponds the grass carp will target this weed before anything else.

Four pound bass love to eat grass carp. Unfortunately grass carp get big enough very early in life to prevent largemouth bass predation. At what exact size, I'm not sure. Someone else may chime in.
Posted By: Sunil Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/11/05 04:33 AM
Just to add a point to be considered...

A general method of doing a successful stocking of some species of fish when a predator is already present (LMB in your case), is to stock higher numbers of the desired species to stock.

You don't want to do that with grass carp because you could end up with way too many surviving grass carp which could denude your pond more than you want.

I'm going to guess that in MN, a 4lb. LMB is 20-22" long. If you could, you would want to get Grass Carp at 12" or greater in order to stock. If you have access to a dependable supplier, you may want to start with a low stocking number of Grass Carp per acre, and then see what survival rates are like.

It's been my experience that, after stocking, you will see the Grass Carp and easily be able to distinguish them from other fish (here I'm assuming that you don't have common carp in your pond). A lot of times, they seem to hang out together, so you can get a good idea of survival rates.

Recommended stocking rates of Grass Carp can range from just a few per acre to as much as 15-20/acre. I think the majority of the forum here agrees with the way low side of that spectrum.
Posted By: Bruce Condello Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/11/05 04:59 AM
Thanks, Sunil! \:\)

That beat my lazy post.
Posted By: mn burt Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/11/05 03:54 PM
Thanks for the info. When is the best time in North Texas to stock grass carp. I live about 12 miles south of the OK border near a town called Sherman. My Pond is about 1/2 acre (wish I could take the / out and it be my pond).
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/12/05 03:27 AM
Stock the grass carp in late spring or early summer. First step is to get a stocking permit from the TPWD. It takes about a month but is no big deal. They will give you a list of sources. I paid $15.00 each for them and they come to you at 10 to 12 inches long. Pretty bass proof. They totally eliminated pondweed for me. I stocked 7 in a one acre pond. Only 2 are still alive after 4 years. Both are over 3 ft. long and have mostly lost their appetite. I need to get some more to take care of some milfoil, or hope they will eat the milfoil.
Posted By: Ross Baker Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/12/05 01:59 PM
Dave, TPWD says they will not control milfoil. I believe this is also what Overton told me as well.
Posted By: Shorty Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/12/05 02:15 PM
Here is a link to types of vegetation that grass carp prefer to eat, coontail and and eurasian milfoil are low on on a grass carps prefernce list. Typically if a paticualr type of weed is low on the prefernce list a higher stocking rate of grass carp is recomended.


As a general rule of thumb, LMB can typically eat something as long as 40% of their own body length. A 22" LMB should be able to eat another fish up to 9" long.
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/13/05 11:35 AM
Ross, it would be interesting to see what they do about a 100% milfoil pond. In the absence of anything else, I would probably eat liver and onions or even ducks. Not sure but probably.

Shorty, I expect you would lose some GC to predation. However, these things seem to grow and develop "shoulders" pretty quickly. At $15 each, I'd hate to lose any.

There is a downside to them. Like real carp, they can root around and muddy the water once the easy meals stop coming.

Catching one is a memorable experience. They are extremely strong. That's an understatement.
Posted By: Ted Lea FOREVERGREEN Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/13/05 01:24 PM
Concerning grass carp I find the PREFERENCE and the EFFECTIVENESS ratings in the MSU (Mississippi State University)C A R E S (Coordinated Access to the Research and Extension System)very accurate. Milfoil is listed as moderate and moderate.GC for example are commonly stocked for Duckweed control and the Preference is HIGH but the Effectiveness is LOW, see plants listed by common name and scientific name on Information Sheet IS1556 http://msucares.com/pubs/infosheets/is1556.htm
Posted By: Ross Baker Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/13/05 01:52 PM
Dave...interesting thought...surely the carp wouldn't starve. Liver & onions...lol. I wonder if the carp would feel like a guy getting married & then finding out his wife can't cook! \:D
Posted By: Shorty Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/13/05 02:35 PM
Thanks TLF for the link, it's always good to have multiple sources of information. ;\)
Posted By: harvey dupriest Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/14/05 11:08 PM
Dave , how right you are ! GC are extremly strong . They have been tearing up my light tackle so i loaded up my bass reel with 20# line , fishing off the dock at feeding time I hooked one under a cork with a live worm . With the drag set loose I fought it untill my wrists were hurting , finally told my wife to go get the 22 rifle , probably would not have landed it otherwise , 20.5lbs. 37" long , what a time I had . Harvey
Posted By: harvey dupriest Re: grass carp getting eaten - 12/14/05 11:33 PM
By the way I was Ill advised as to stocking rates . In April 2002 stocked 26-12" in my less than 2 acre pond and have only pulled out 3 . some may have died , but probably still have to many especially at that size , but will keep trying ! Harvey
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