Pond Boss
Posted By: fluff 2-4-D in Texas - 05/02/03 09:23 PM
Anybody know how to get this stuff in Texas? I know the agriculture department outlawed it, but it seems to be the only thing that might kill all the Milfoil we have growing in our creek. I need something that is either granular or pellets, Im almost positive a liquid is not going to cut it. Any help would be appreciated
Posted By: lakedoctor Re: 2-4-D in Texas - 05/03/03 04:07 AM
Before I would put anything in a creek or water way of any kind there is alot of things that must be considered.I have no knowledge of the rules in Texas but permits and alot of safety considerations need to be addressed before you even think about treating in these kinds of places. DOC
Posted By: Kelly Duffie Re: 2-4-D in Texas - 05/03/03 02:46 PM
Fluff: 2,4-D isn't outlawed. Rather, it is a state limited-use product (in Texas) which requires an applicators license in order to purchase/apply the product. 2) The liquid version isn't labeled for treating Eurasian watermilfoil (or any other submerged plant) except within waters controlled by the Tennessee Valley Authority. 3) The granular versions (NAVIGATE, AQUA-KLEEN) have extensive water-use restrictions, particularly when public waters are concerned. 4) Any current within a treated area will greatly diminish the likelihood of such products being effective (assuming the water-use restrictions are not prohibitive in the first place). 5) Doc made a very good point above. I think we'd both agree that you should contact a professional to assess the situation. My guess is that you're in the TX Hill Country area. If so, I know a fellow (out of San Marcos) that you might contact. Email me with the whereabouts (county) of this creek and I'll make appropriate suggestions from that point. kduffie@estesinc.com
Posted By: huntinjerk Re: 2-4-D in Texas - 05/05/03 03:13 PM
Kelly Duffie,
Would a liquid form of 2-4D kill coontail. How would I apply it? I have about a 2 acre pond that is being taken over by coontail and water lilies. The pads are starting to dye out after i sprayed them. Any suggestions? I control the out flows and have the ability to shut off out flows all together for about a week before i need to let some go. The average water depth is about 6 to 7 foot.
Posted By: Kelly Duffie Re: 2-4-D in Texas - 05/06/03 01:35 AM
Liquid 2,4-D for coontail: See #2 in my previous post.

SONAR, NAVIGATE (granular 2,4-D) or AQUATHOL K/SUPER K deserve your consideration for coontail treatments, depending upon water-use issues that may disallow one or all three products (also, the degree of infestation and the presence of desirable species will have a bearing on the proper product choice). Would suggest that you contact your local county agent, state univ. fisheries specialist, prof. lake mgmt co., or a reputable chemical dealer/distributor in your area to discuss the pros & cons of these chemical options.
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