Pond Boss
Posted By: kidsampson Fescue running wild in pond - 07/26/15 07:04 AM
New pond in Kansas. Planted grass seed all over in the spring to prevent erosion. We had a slow start and a big finish to the spring and summer as many of you midwestern folks know.

Long story short. The pond completely filled up. However the grass that was planted is thriving and growing rather tall submerged in the water. ---Up to a foot to 18 inches deep.

I have pulled some, and I'm stunned with how well the stuff is rooted.

My question is- Will this stuff just naturally die off in time? Or do I need to remove it now by hand?

Posted By: Bill D. Re: Fescue running wild in pond - 07/26/15 12:04 PM
Hey Kid,

I have a similar situation in my pond. The pond level is a little higher than normal and Creeping Red Fescue is occupying a lot of the shallows and thriving. FWIW I consider it a plus. It is providing great habitat for thousands of small minnows, helps with erosion, uses nutrients so helps control FA and will not move to deeper water.

Bill D
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