Pond Boss
Posted By: CoachB I am not lazy, but I am - 05/16/15 10:42 PM
I have Curly Leaf PW in the pond and I just spent some quality time weed razoring it. I have purchased Sonar AS and am now ready to put it in the pond. I swear that when I bought it, the ad showed a guy just dumping it in his pond. I thought, "great," just like my pond dye. The label says that it needs to be sprayed.

I guess my lazy question is can I just dump it it several places and it will dissipate and fill the pond, or do I have to set up the sprayer and hit all of the little areas (some in the center)? Sonar is expensive, so I do not want to waste it.

Posted By: sprkplug Re: I am not lazy, but I am - 05/16/15 11:18 PM
I mix mine with water in a 5 gallon bucket, and cruise around the pond in the boat adding some here, there and everywhere. I do think the aeration helps move it around.

I added the second treatment last weekend, and though I still used the bucket to mix it in, I added it from shore with a cup...just kind of sloshed it out there, while walking around the pond. Be sure and shake the bottle well before mixing, and re-agitate once in awhile.

And be aware that every place I dripped while carrying that bucket, now has white spots in the grass growing around the pond. Fluridone doesn't mess around.
Posted By: CoachB Re: I am not lazy, but I am - 05/17/15 12:40 AM
Thanks. that makes sense and not too bad. I read your earlier post about Christmas comes early and am ready to try to stop the Curly leaf. It is spreading very fast. i ignored it last year because it was just in a few spots, but now it is exploding around the edges. A few are coming up in the middle as well.
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