Pond Boss
Posted By: bobbystout Willow Trees - 04/07/15 11:31 AM
My pond is going on 2 years old now last year i saw a couple of willow trees growing and let one stay. Now this spring i am seeing small shoot in several areas of my pond will these cause a problem some are on the inside of the dam. Should i try to remove them or leave them in. I have OCNBG and fathead minows right now. It is around 3/8's of an acre.
Posted By: dlowrance Re: Willow Trees - 04/07/15 01:11 PM
IMHO you should do everything you can to eradicate willows...ESPECIALLY on the levee.

Black willows are fast growing, very intrusive, water drinking, messy menaces.

I spent 4 hours on Sunday with a set of pruners, a hand saw and a chain saw removing willows from the large pond, and yesterday I had an excavator come in and rip out all the big ones from below the dam.

I'm a huge tree lover...but for those trees I go out of my way to kill them.
Posted By: Bing Re: Willow Trees - 04/07/15 01:37 PM
Make sure that after cutting willows, or any other tree or shrub that you use Crossbow herbicide or similar product on the stumps or sprouts. This will kill the remaining plant roots and minimize their growing back.
Posted By: Mike Otto Re: Willow Trees - 04/08/15 01:27 PM
Get rid of all the willows trees around your water, If you take one out that your wife loves wait just a short time and another one will replace it,
Posted By: Pat Williamson Re: Willow Trees - 04/08/15 01:38 PM
That's a chore for sure.. Those seeds must blow in from miles away, cause I haven't seen any willows any where near me.

Posted By: bobbystout Re: Willow Trees - 04/08/15 02:51 PM
Thanks for the advice kinda thought i need to get rid of them will work them over this weekend. I live in east texas next to the ARk, La line willow are everywhere there is a body of water in this area.
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