Pond Boss
Posted By: mpc A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/19/13 02:50 AM
Hi All, I have not been on with a question in some time,but I kinda have one now.
Background is last year I had fil. algae(30%to 40%) issue and controlled it at last with tilapia after trying to keep it raked out. Could not get Tilapia this year due to waiting too late and had a algae problem. I have not used chemicals yet.

I am really looking into next year because my pond will be full for the first time by next month and I can finish my stocking program. So here is my question on a blended approach to algae and weed control: Could one use pond dye to control light penetration to say 15 to 18" and the tilapia to help as well. Will the phytoplankton and zooplankton still do well? I do not fertilizer due to using a feeder and Aquamax feed,plus aeration. I have discussed the pond in other posts, but do not expect anyone to remember.The pond is at 1 surface acre,+ a little. Deepest part is 16 to 17 ft. Hold about 1.2 Million gals/6.5 acre ft.Total alky about 120,PH runs 6.8 to 7.0,TDS about 350 and other parameters within the normal ranges per most pond boss articles and posts.
I just cannot remember someone writing or discussing using pond dye (some) for a siski disk reading and then tilapia to help with what is left over in the shallow water areas.
Any response would be welcome or maybe someone has already tried it and can tell me don't worry with it and just use tilapia and chemicals for spots.
I had very good results for 10 years keeping FA algae to a trace and underwater plants to a minimum using no chemicals. In my one acre pond I had 18 grass carp(too many since they took out almost all of the underwater plants). 20 KOI and 6 Israeli carp that controlled all FA except for slight traces. In those 10 years I had no extra offspring’s of the carp because they were controlled by LMB and pan fish. Not one chemical was used during this period. Then I had a winter fish kill about 4 years ago and you should have seen the FA algae come on my pond. I know people raise their eyebrows at this but it worked for me.

This is what the pond looked like during most of the 10 years.

Posted By: george1 Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/19/13 11:30 AM
Originally Posted By: mpc
Hi All, I have not been on with a question in some time,but I kinda have one now.
Background is last year I had fil. algae(30%to 40%) issue and controlled it at last with tilapia after trying to keep it raked out. Could not get Tilapia this year due to waiting too late and had a algae problem. I have not used chemicals yet.

I am really looking into next year because my pond will be full for the first time by next month and I can finish my stocking program. So here is my question on a blended approach to algae and weed control: Could one use pond dye to control light penetration to say 15 to 18" and the tilapia to help as well. Will the phytoplankton and zooplankton still do well? I do not fertilizer due to using a feeder and Aquamax feed,plus aeration. I have discussed the pond in other posts, but do not expect anyone to remember.The pond is at 1 surface acre,+ a little. Deepest part is 16 to 17 ft. Hold about 1.2 Million gals/6.5 acre ft.Total alky about 120,PH runs 6.8 to 7.0,TDS about 350 and other parameters within the normal ranges per most pond boss articles and posts.
I just cannot remember someone writing or discussing using pond dye (some) for a siski disk reading and then tilapia to help with what is left over in the shallow water areas.
Any response would be welcome or maybe someone has already tried it and can tell me don't worry with it and just use tilapia and chemicals for spots.

Mpc, I believe I recall your previous post, but not sure so may be repeating myself.
Our 10 year+ successful experience with “balanced way to try algae/weed control” for a N.E. Texas 2 acre pond is very simple and effective - Tilapia and Grass Carp, numbers based on severity algae/weed problem.

Get on the tilapia list early so you don’t run into the shortage problem again – as you know they are a magic bullet for algae control.
Grass carp usage with the appropriate numbers will control “weed” problems, some may advise for only certain aquatic vegetation but that has not been my experience
We do not use chemicals!

BoatCycle in Henderson is convenient to Big Sandy for tilapia and has a good reputation but I do business with Overton Fisheries in Buffalo.
He is a qualified TAMU fisheries biologist and offers high quality stocker fish as well as excellent advice.

You mention you have an aeration system - what type?
If a bottom diffuser system it will only de-stratify and circulate water and not prevent a fish kill unless you have a well to maintain water level during our extreme low water drought conditions.
Based on my experience, a proper sized surface aerator for a 1-acre pond will provide adequate O2 levels and good circulation and prevent fish kills.

I don’t see FA algae and aquatic vegetation control in N.E. Texas a major issue.
Good luck with your program.
Posted By: mpc Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/19/13 12:46 PM
Thanks for the reply John and George. Air from rocking piston to 9"diff. Pond level is controlled by well as of last month.

I will get my tilapia from Todd. He is my supplier, the only way to go IMHO.

I guess my questions were more of a "what if" on the pond dye stuff. My second thought was, could siski disk readings allow for the amount of pond dye to use to hold a light penetration of 15" to 18". Then, if feed and fish waste did not keep a bloom going add just a little or use less fertilizer to control the upper opacity reading of the water to 8" to 12"siski disk reading.

The tilapia and if I can get them Grass carp, can top off the control project.

Again just a thought on pond dye, if I wanted to use it and thanks much for your rely. I can finally really manage my pond now that water has come.
Posted By: esshup Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/19/13 02:51 PM
Plants can utilize sunlight at a low level, which is typically about 2x the reading on the secchi disk. I wouldn't use phytoplankton to achieve readings below 12" because at night they use rather than produce O2, and could be the cause of a fishkill during periods of low sunlight.

I'd prefer using dye to keep the secchi disk reading below 12", but I think the GC/Tilapia route is a better one to take and leave the opaciticy over 12".
Posted By: mpc Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/20/13 01:22 AM
Hi Esshup, Thanks for the additional info. Just to make sure that I understand. Is the 12" kinda a shoot for number? 12" or a little more with pond dye and GC/Tilapia to round it out, would work fairly well?
I do understand that "It Depends" but in general more night time to early mourning O2 reading and some possible surface areation might be needed if there is a good bloom.
As George said the GC and tilapia work well for him and would most likley help me as well. The tilapia last year worked great so Todd will have some for me next spring. If I decide to dye the pond for aesthetic reasons, I will keep the siski disk reading at 12" or a little more unless I am corrected in another post.I just do not want the little fish and minnows to have limited zooplankton to eat.
As most of us know we are looking for some balance, even for us who want a higher capacity and larger fish (me CNBG). I had just the right amount of tilapia(5) in 2012, with just a small amount of FA from time to time. The tilapia ate some fish feed too,so I do not want to over do them either. With dye I may only need 2 or 3 tilapia,if you see my point and I am understanding the concept here. I assume that the GC do not eat fish feed, but not sure.
I find it interesting the dye may work in a overall plan.
Thanks to you all for the food for thought and some tips on what to do "maybe" and especially what not to do!!
One of these days I may finally figure out how to get pics on this site easily with just a few clicks. I have tried a few times but I have no desire to put them on another site,size and all that to get them on here. Not griping,just sayin'.
Posted By: esshup Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/20/13 01:31 AM
I'd shoot for an secchi disc reading of 18"-24" with just a bloom. Getting close to 12" is too close to the ragged edge for my liking with a bloom. The smaller fish could very well be pecking at the left over food that the other fish don't eat. If it was my pond, I'd rather have more Tilapia than needed than not enough. They are easy enough to take out if there are too many.

GC will eat pellets, but will quickly learn not to if caught on an imitation pellet.

I use photobucket, and for some reason don't have to worry about resizing them. I upload them to photobucket right from the SD card via a reader, and copy/paste the link here. It's relatively easy. It was easier/faster before photobucket did their latest upgrade, but I'm not going to complain too much.
Posted By: george1 Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/20/13 11:12 AM
mpc - be careful when you ask Scott a question - just ask Dudley! grin

Do you want a pretty pond or fishing pond?
You mentioned trophy CNBG - I don't recall other species you have stocked and not in business of giving pond advice, but will violate this rule and give some good advice!
Talk to Todd Overton and get him on-site if possible!

IIRC you got sand and clay soils in Big Sandy and will always have changing water conditions.
I am not able to do much traveling these days but wish I could visit and observe. As a native born and bred East Texan and avid fisherman, I know your country pretty well.

Don't over-think the Secchi stuff - it ain't all that complicated - talk to Todd.
Good luck,
Posted By: esshup Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/20/13 02:28 PM
Originally Posted By: george1
mpc - be careful when you ask Scott a question - just ask Dudley! grin

Thanks George! wink grin

Be careful or I'll sic Al on ya. grin
Posted By: mpc Re: A balanced way to try algae/weed control - 09/20/13 04:44 PM
Thanks guys for the additional comments and advice. I have discussed "my pond specifics" with Todd when I was there last. Of course I did not bring up the pond dye item because it was not on my radar.
Esshup I will stay in the 18" to 24" siski range until I speak with Todd and give the feedback here, so we can chew on it. Thanks for the info on the feed eating GC. I will hook a Stubby Steve's on and jerk a lip a few times, to make them a little feed shy, maybe.
George, my wife and mother-in-law want "the pretty" and I am going to have at least a good, if not trophy CNBG pond. As you guys know Todd is always busy and wants to visit, but work waits not! George you and really anyone that wants to visit are welcome. My little world there is simple and we are ready to retire very soon. I have always worked to live, with the possibility of retirement, not live to work. I have about 10 to 15 years worth of retirement projects plus never ending honnydo's. She is worth it.

In short, balance "On the Higher capacity side",work but not obsession(Ha HA) on the pond and catch a few for us and the Kids/Grand kids snag a few,all is good with no fish kill, maybe.
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