Pond Boss
Posted By: CoachB Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/08/12 09:50 PM
Okay, I admit that I never would have believed that I could ask this question in February, but can I start working on some of my pond problems now? The ice is off the pond and I am thinking Spring.

Here is the situation. I had a thick mat of Chara last year on my points (four feet deep). I raked it off, but am sure that I did not get most of it. I was throwing my rake from the shore and dragging it across. I also have a little bit of curly leaf pond weed pop up. It looks like the Chara is starting to grow. Can I start to treat the pond now, or do I have to wait until the water gets warmer? It looks like some stuff is already growing, and I have cold water FA. I have a bag of Green Clean Pro granular.

Should I just rake again and wait for the real Spring? What should I do now? I am also adding aeration this Summer.
Posted By: esshup Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/09/12 12:27 AM
I'd rake and wait. You'll have ice back on it shortly.
Posted By: CoachB Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/09/12 05:48 PM
thanks, Scott. My plan is to plant some hardy lilies like Bill has, but the location is right were the worst Chara is. I can't rake once the lilies are in place, even though the lilies will help with controlling the chara. I will rake, but when should I start treating? is there a better solution than GreenClean Pro? Would the liquid be better than granule for this problem?
Posted By: esshup Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/09/12 06:09 PM
For the deeper water areas I think the pellets are better than the liquid. Do you use the pond for a water source for drinking or irrigation?
Posted By: RC51 Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/09/12 06:13 PM
Hey Coach I know a lot of guys here have said I believe its Cutrine plus granular works well on Chara.

I too have a Chara issue to about 4 feet all around my pond. I have had my air going to 2 years now except in winter and it has not put a dent in the Chara issues I have. I have some GC like 3 or 4 that are taking care of my pond weed but the Chara is crazy! I also have heard you should not rake it as it will spread?? Not sure on that but I thought I read that out here somewhere? I am kind of torn myself. I do'nt really want to add more GC but I also don't really want to use chemicals either??? But my Chara gets so bad I can't even fish in the summer at times! Good luck and if you find out anything that works well PM me please!!! smile
Posted By: CoachB Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/11/12 03:45 AM
I have not heard about Chara spreading. Since it is an algae and not a plant, I am hoping that it doesn't. I will rake the spots as soon as the new ice melts, and see how the spring goes. I have also heard the Cutrine works, but will try the GreenClean in one spot to test it.

Scott, It is not a water source, except for my dogs every once in a while, and no irrigation.
Posted By: esshup Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/11/12 04:33 AM
Brian, if you're not using it for a water source, then I'd go with the Cutrine granules. It seems to work better than the Green Clean type of product in deeper water. I don't think you can get the GC down by the Chara and still stay active for a long enough time.
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/11/12 07:19 PM
To my knowledge Green Clean type of products (Peroxyhydrate - hydrogen dioxide) will not work on Chara.

The rooted vascular plants when dense will compete and eventualy crowd out the Chara.
Posted By: CoachB Re: Is it too early to attack the pond? - 02/12/12 05:03 AM
Thanks guys. I will get some Cutrine and see if that works. I would love to get some eel grass and hardy lilies going, which I know would help prevent the chara as well. It will be a fun Summer at the pond now that we get to move in to the new house in June!
CoachB, I would not rake or stir chara as it will spread. If your going to treat it consider Cutrine Granular as soon as the water in the 3-4 ft range averages at least 50F. Once it turns white it can be raked. Have had no luck with GreenClean on chara.Even though you will read that one application of Cutrine granular should do it be prepared for an early spring and summer treatment. Have also found that if dying the water is in the plan to use an equal part of black dye with a blue acid.Seems to work better than the standard blue/yellow dyes like Aquashade for chara control. If dying the water aeration prior a must.Be sure you are treating "chara"as it can be confused.If you are seeing some FA this winter it is probably spirogyra and will die off when it warms up but may be replaced with lyngbya or pithophora. Once you eliminate the chara be prepared for additional FA as is often the downside to chara elimination.You may then find using some Greenclean on these FA's work as you will have warmer temps.If GreenClean does not not oxidize it out other options exist to spot spray such as Cutrine Plus liquid with diquat and a surfactant. This approach would leave you the option for other rooted plants to get established.If your FA gets windblown or bunched up it will die off faster if it is broken up first as this promotes better coverage.
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