Pond Boss
Posted By: Freedomeagle Navigate vs ClearCast - 12/17/11 03:49 AM
First, a Merry Christmas to all of my new friends at PB. You folks have been great to a newcomer like me; and, thanks to you, this will be one of my most blessed Christmas' ever.

I am still in the process of prioritizing my budgets and efforts for this Spring. One of my highest priorities is dealing with the Watershield which covered somewhere between 60-75% of our pond last year.

I have received input from a couple of different professional sources and some have proposed treating with Navigate while others have proposed treating with Clearcast. However, I still don't have a good understanding, in laymen's terms, which product overall is best on a long term basis.

Can someone who has used either or both enlighten me?

Thanks and Regards to All,
Posted By: Kelly Duffie Re: Navigate vs ClearCast - 12/17/11 05:50 AM
Check your PMs
Posted By: Freedomeagle Re: Navigate vs ClearCast - 12/22/11 02:45 AM
Quick update....

Just received another proposal, this one recommending Renovate Max G. The ClearCast proposal, as well as the Renovate MaxG one, claim better results than Navigate. The Renovate proposal is about 1/3 higher than ClearCast and its a couple hundred bucks higher than the Navigate, all for treating a 4.3 acre pond with 70%+ watershield coverage

Does anyone have any experiences with any or all of these three different aquatic herbicides? Where do I go from here? Does anyone have any idea on a cost-effective DIY way, besides the exorbitantly expensive Sonar, to address the watershield problem?

Regards and Merry Christmas to all,
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