Pond Boss
Posted By: chadwickz71 Tilapia for duckweed? - 05/26/09 03:28 PM
Am I understanding right that Tilapia will take care of a duckweed problem but they have to be stocked at a higher rate than whats used for FA.

I have duckweed in a .085 acre pond. It hardly ever catches any wind so it doesn't suprise me.

Anyways, its covering around the edges and out about 5ft around getting me a little nervous.

I put 4 lbs of Tilapia in about 3-4 weeks ago and they are spawning right now. I think thats like 47 lbs to the acre, is my math right there?

Anyways, before I start getting worried should I just wait and let them handle it?
Posted By: Weissguy Re: Tilapia for duckweed? - 05/26/09 03:58 PM
Tilapia love duckweed.
Posted By: chadwickz71 Re: Tilapia for duckweed? - 05/26/09 04:49 PM
I hope so cause they sure don't seem to be taking care of it yet.
Posted By: bobad Re: Tilapia for duckweed? - 05/26/09 05:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: chadwickz71
I hope so cause they sure don't seem to be taking care of it yet.

They may be eating something else they prefer. When that's gone, they will eat the DW.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Tilapia for duckweed? - 05/26/09 07:46 PM
chad what size were they? If 1/2 fish that is only 8 fish you sure you got males and females? anytime you deal with smaller bodies of water you got to up the math. If soemthign goes worng with just a couple of lbs you are out.

EX. my stocking rec. to rid of all submersed weeds is:
stock grass carp at 20/acre on ponds less than 1 acre but back off to 10/acre on ponds 2-5 acres and much less than that on larger ponds. In other words you stick with 10/acre on 1/4 acre pond so 3 grass carp if you lose 2 of them to "whatever" and that seems to happen your out with not enough to control things. However if you lose 2 fish and you stocked 6 not a huge deal, make sense, probably not my point is stock more tilapia.
Posted By: chadwickz71 Re: Tilapia for duckweed? - 05/26/09 08:05 PM
Greg, they varied from say .25 up to .75 pounds. i'd say I probably got 10 fish in there. I have seen 2 females each with a successful spawn also so Im sure there are probably 2 more females atleast hiding in there somewhere.

Anyways, good point though im gonna keep an eye on things and see if I can get a count on the fish.
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