Pond Boss
Posted By: Custom 68 Plant or algae identification please - 05/19/17 09:34 PM
Hi experts. What is this? When I crush it it has a "fishy" smell and its kind of tough.

Attached picture FullSizeRender.jpg
Water net algae (Hydrodictyon spp)
Excellent photo!
Posted By: Bill D. Re: Plant or algae identification please - 05/19/17 11:06 PM
Great name for that. When I first saw the picture I thought of fishing net.
Posted By: Custom 68 Re: Plant or algae identification please - 05/20/17 04:07 AM
Ha yep great name. I even Google'd algae that looks like fish net and nothing. But pond boss to the rescue. But seriously thank you Kelly you're a great help and asset to the forum.
So it's just starting to grow. Not bad yet should I do anything to get ahead of it? I need to get some plants going as well.
I cant seem to find much info on it.
Again thanks
Originally Posted By: Custom 68
So it's just starting to grow. Not bad yet should I do anything to get ahead of it? I need to get some plants going as well.
I rarely endorse attempts to eradicate all algae or vegetation in a pond. Nature is a formidable force and will never cease Her efforts to fill a void - especially in ponds. Heck, I fight algae in my swimming pool all the time, sometimes successfully. smile
If it's just getting started, monitor its progress. You can often curb the proliferation of algae by using various traditional tactics to limit sunlight-transmission through the water-column. If algae begins to get unruly, manual removal or modest algaecide treatments may be in order.
Ultimately, your objectives and tolerance are the best guides for action; but just don't wait until the forest is ablaze before you reach for a water bucket (pursue corrective measures).
Posted By: Custom 68 Re: Plant or algae identification please - 05/24/17 02:43 PM
Thanks again Kelly, right now I am just manually pulling some out hoping to keep it in check. I will keep watching from what I have read it was indicated this stuff can take over quickly that was what I was wanting to avoid.
Posted By: Custom 68 Re: Plant or algae identification please - 05/30/17 07:37 PM
My back is sore from removal, I am afraid it will get unruly if I don't keep after this. I sprayed a small section (about 150 feet) with Curtrine plus around the shore to see if it will knock some of it down.
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