Pond Boss
Hello everyone,

First, I have been reviewing these forums and am immensely impressed with the passion towards ponds/lakes that is maintained by the members (such as Bill Cody and RC51), in conjunction with the comradery.

I live on a 5 acre lake in St. Petersburg, FL. I purchased the home in 2010 and was amazed by the amount of life it contained (e.g., Bass, Florida Gar, Talapia, etc.). However, starting last winter, a large number of fish were killed off. It was heartbreaking to see hundreds of Bass floating lifeless.

I researched the problem and discovered that the lake had most likely "turned over" once it became cold. I spoke with the neighbors who said this happened 8 years ago and has occurred in similar cycles prior to that. As a result, I figured that I had a few years to work on a solution.

Two days after our first cold night, I awoke to see flocks birds (pelicans, seagulls, etc.) diving into the lake. I rushed out to my dock where I could see a multitude of juvenile fish at the surface gasping for air. I desperately tried aerate the water by turning on my sprinklers and directing them towards the lake.

I am at a loss as to what to do. The lake is in the shape of a rectangle 770 feet X 300 Feet with a maximum depth 30 feet along the entire length of the center (I used a depth finder, but will use a different method tomorrow). I tried to come up with a cost effective way to aerate the lake for the long term. I explored possibly installing a solar aeration system. However, the air pumps (Hakko Matala 250L)would require a significant number of solar panels and, more importantly, are only effective at a maximum depth of 13 feet. I would love to get a larger, more capable system, but I am worried that I will be in over my head, especially with regards to the monthly electric bill.

I thank you all for your courtesies.
Welcome to PBF Tim!

Very sorry to hear about your problem. We all feel your pain. Any chance you could post a topo map of the lake showing the depths? This will provide info the pros need to advise you. As you have already figured out, this is a place where folks are friendly and willing to share their experience. The more info you provide always helps.

Again welcome,

Bill D.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I am planning on going out on the lake tomorrow in order to obtain more accurate depth measurements. Thank you again.
I believe you will find a grid based aeration system will be more cost effective to purchase, and even run long term.
Hey Tim D.

I don't think I have ever been compared / put in the same sentence with Bill Cody so thanks for that!! I am humbled by it, not near as pond smart as Mr. Cody but I work hard at it and don't give up!! smile

With that said I believe I would be concerned about your situation also! I don't know that I have read about any other 5 acre pond 50 feet deep that impressive! We don't say this often, but I think in your situation some air would be better then none at all. Lets go through a couple of situations here.

1. Your pond is 5 acres 50 foot deep the question is do you actually use all 50 feet? Most guys would say you need to have an air system at the deepest part of your pond for best circulation of water. That's true however you could put a system or 2 right next to that deepest part say in 25 or 30 feet and have good mixture. Maybe not 100 percent mixture but good. I mean how many fish are actually in the 35 to 50 foot depth of your pond? Probably not that many and if they were there they could move up to 30 feet easy if the D.O. started getting a little thin in the 50 foot range.

2. I have a 1 acre pond 9 feet deep max. I use 1 air station with 2, 9 inch diffusers and a 1/3 HP Gast pump and it handles my pond easy! I believe I could go to 20 feet with this pump. I run mine at night from dusk till dawn which I about 12 hours, and my bill is about 11 bucks a month. Just so you have an idea. So let say you setup 3 of these type setups with a little stronger pump and 3 diffusers on each setup. And you set them in 25 feet of water around your pond. Well it wouldn't air the entire pond but you sure would get a lot of it and I don't think you would end up with your piping issues you have now! I mean you have a big problem if the little fish are piping cause most times it's the bigger fish that will die first as they need more D.O. then the smaller fish. So this type of setup would cost you around 33 to 38 bucks a month to run give or take your electric and how it's billed.

3. It's not the electric bill I would be worried about it's all the equipment you would need. Some might use 3 pumps with 3 separate stations some might get one BIG pump and use a gang valve to separate the air going to 2 different stations. You could use 2 bigger pumps and 4 air stations 2 coming off each pump with a gang valve with 2 fusers on each station that would give you 4 stations with 2 fusers on each one that would move some water. There are a lot of different ways to go as you can see.

4. You need to make sure of your pump pressure and cfm. What's the max CFM of pump whats the max air pressure of pump. So you know how far down you can put your fusers. I would PM Mr. Cody maybe he will help you out. He is much, much more knowledgeable then me when it comes to air and air setups. Hey good luck and keep us posted as to what you do.

Oops, I just remeasured the depth by hand and the max depth is only 30 feet.
Thank you all for your input thus far. Bill, here is a link to the lake/pond. I was unable to figure out how to add the depths within the image. Primarily, the depth is 31 in the center. Thank you again.

5 Acre Lake/Pond
I may have driven past that pond! Parents had a condo in that area.
Small world!
So, any thoughts?
A. Is there a Home Owners Assoc for this Pond?
B. Are they concerned enough about the fish kills to increase the dues and spend money to correct it?
C. Does the HOA spend money to stock the pond or is it bucket stocked?
D. For a HOA with a larger pond and liability issues, IMO your best plan would be to contact one or both of the following groups. Both have extensive experience with trained biologists and technicians with all types of private and public ponds and lakes in FL. Vertex has conducted detailed research on aerating deeper ponds in FL and is familiar with the need for circulation, its full benefits for a deep FL ponds, and what it requires to best adequately circulate a pond similar to yours. The size, depth, climate, and location of your pond makes it unique.
Vertex Water Features - Manufacturing and Sales Headquarters
2100 NW 33rd Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Phone: 800.432.4302
Email: info@vertexwaterfeatures.com

And / Or For a guided somewhat do it yourself process
Pentair (Aquatic Ecosystems), Apopka FL
Tim, a rectangular pond could be effectively aerated for a reasonable capital investment on the system, and electricity would average about $30/month. Installing a system yourself MIGHT save some $$$, but the frustration level can be a bugger for many. Aeration is one of those things, like excavation, that you are usually money ahead by letting a pro do it for you.
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