Pond Boss
Posted By: millionpads muck - 05/01/07 11:44 AM
I have been reading all your posts on pond aeration, but haven't come accross any that mimic my situation here in the upper part of lower michigan. I have a natural pond probably about 2 1/2-3 ac. in size, with about 1 ac of shallow water and associated wetland around the pond. The pond is spring fed and has flow all year long. My father had the pond dug out in spots back in the 60's, but now the pond is nearly covered with lilly pads in the summer and the muck and silt is taking over. There are blue gills and smaller (seemingly stunted fish and some really nice bass. The deepest area is about 8ft in the center and some other 6' spots and the rest is 1-2 foot deep to the muck. I can nearly stick my oar down to the handle through this muck. Oh, I did hear from the locals that many years ago that marrow was taken from the pond for farm fields. I dont know if that is useful info. Anyway, I have ordered a gast rotary vein 1/4hp from c&h and two membrane diffusers in order to start the muck degredation process. I am sure this has got to help, but what would the best location for these diffusers and any other info that might be useful.
Posted By: millionpads Re: muck - 05/01/07 12:32 PM
Here is a picture of the pond
Posted By: millionpads Re: muck - 05/01/07 12:34 PM
Try this
Posted By: Cary Martin Re: muck - 05/01/07 06:10 PM
If you were to assume that your pond contains 6,500,000 gallons, two diffuser should work for your scenerio.

As you know a pond's goal is to become a meadow, and we as pond managers and owners try to slow down this process or reverse it. This will take time due to the fact that you have so much debris, muck and "ooze" on the bottom. Also it has been since the 60's since it was last cleaned out so 40 years of accumulation will take a while.

To answer your question, the best depth is the deepest depth contour that encompases the majority of the shape of the lake. If you were to place the diffuser in a 8'hole that is only 10' in diameter, the bubble column would not achieve maximum lifting. The column would have to wait until it gets out of that hole before it entrains the majority of the water into it's ploom.

By the way, the photos never came through. If you have any qustions, please do not hesitate to contact us and I will keep the people interested in your scenerio updated.
Posted By: millionpads Re: muck - 05/01/07 07:31 PM
Thanks Cary. I tried to link the pic with my yahoo briefcase but evidently that wont work if I am off line. Is there another way to post photos? Also, I would estimate that the 8 foot hole in the pond is maybe 40-60 ft long and 20-40 wide. There are other 4-6' holes but the majority is 2-5' deep. The pond is basically roundish, slightly oblong is probably more accurate. thanks
Posted By: millionpads Re: muck - 05/01/07 07:46 PM
Trying photo again
Posted By: millionpads Re: muck - 05/01/07 07:47 PM
Guess I need guidance
Posted By: ewest Re: muck - 05/02/07 01:41 AM
Try this thread to learn how.

Posted By: millionpads Re: muck - 05/02/07 11:15 AM
Here is my attempt with photo bucket

Posted By: ceadmin Re: muck - 05/04/07 01:48 PM
Great Looking Pond!

How many Grouse do you have around the perimeter? \:D
Posted By: millionpads Re: muck - 05/04/07 08:30 PM
Not many with my wired haired pointer and griffon constantly monitoring the property. They did tree and point a female pheasant the other day though.
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