Pond Boss
Posted By: James Ed Broussard Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 09/20/02 02:46 PM
I am in the design process of several ponds ranging from 20 - 50 acres. What types of aeration systems are best where there is no electricity? I have looked at windmills, but the low DO problem occurs very early and we have very littly wind then. Our other problem time is August when it can be very hot and calm. What is available?
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 09/20/02 06:13 PM
These folks should be able to give you a good answer to your question, but remember aeration contray to what some people say is not necessary in all siuations. WHat are goals for the 20-50 acre lakes? Good fishin', then it in most cases spend the money on something else besides trying to aerate that large a body of water. Raising cows in the watershed or raising fishin the pond? then by all means aeration is well worth the cost benefit. Good luck
Posted By: James Ed Broussard Re: Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 09/23/02 01:56 PM
The ponds will be specifically for bass fishing. There is no watershed for these ponds. The water supply is strictly by pumping. I am considering a 4' average depth with deeper sections where soil will be excavated for levee construction. We are 10-15 miles from the Gulf of Mexico so cold weather is not a big consideration, but hot weather is. I have had both recommendations, aerate and don't worry about it on a pond that big. I was considering some type of emergency system that is portable. I did not receive the name of the people who you said could give me some help. Could you please send the information again? Thanks
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 09/23/02 02:31 PM
I may be corrected if wrong, but if your depth is only 4 feet, and you are not intensively raising fish (raising and feeding fish in high conditions as on a fish farm) you would not need aeration especially that far south. Save your money the fish will be fine! Any other takes on this? Bill Cody?
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 09/24/02 02:47 AM
Large Shallow Pond Aeration. The wind can usually mix the surface waters down to 4-6ft with 6"-12" waves esp on larger bodies of water such as the one you are building.

Are you sure you only want the water 4 ft deep over most of the pond. Sounds like you are making one HUGE weedbed with weeds so thick you won't be able to get a boat thru. You better get a second or third opinion before finishing this potential problem. I would email Bob Lusk or Mark McD. for a professional opinion on building a pond in the deep Texas area. He's da man. Listen to his advise. Ask M. Mcdonald (PBoss editor) for Bob's email address.
Mr. Broussard:

From the sizes of the reservoirs in your post on the bulletin board, it sounds as though you're embarking on quite an ambitious project. Generally, we find that large bodies of water typically have so much surface area exposed to open air, the pond is aerated by means of wind-wave action.

There are, however, exceptions that could benefit from aeration:
* When a body of water is located in a canyon, overly protected from the wind, thus no wind-wave action to naturally aerate the water.
* When a pond carryies an unusually high density of fish (i.e. fish hatchery or rearing pond) where the demands on dissolved oxygen are increased.
* When a pond has been overloaded with a heavy intrusion of noxious vegetation.

Chances are, you have plenty of wind blowing off the Gulf.

BTW, I've seen some hellacious fisheries created in depths of 4 feet or less, most notably in what used to be rice levees in Arkansas. Properly managed, even shallow water can produce monster bass.

If memory serves, there's a Lousiana fishing and duck hunting club called
"Hackberry." Is that your operation?

Good luck with your project.

Mark McDonald
Editor, Pond Boss
Boerne, TX
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 09/25/02 02:22 AM
M. McDonald - How do expansive areas 4 to 5 ft deep keep from getting weed choked especially with long growing seasons such as those in TX, LA ??
Posted By: James Ed Broussard Re: Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 09/26/02 02:05 PM
Mark, to the best of my knowledge we will have to watch our fertilization closely to maintain visibility of about 18" otherwise there will be massive weed beds. Yes we are in an old rice field, only many miles south of Arkansas. It is possible for our bass to grow 10 out of 12 months each year. Likewise so can our grasses. The problem with weeds could happen in the early spring before the water warms enough for the phytoplankton can bloom. Then thank God for moder chemistry! Thank for all the friendly advice on aeration!!
Posted By: Bob Lusk Re: Large Pond Aeration (remote) - 10/16/02 12:28 AM
4-5 foot waters must stay fertile during warm months,or they WILL vegetate.
Mr. Broussard, how did you make it through back to back tropical events?
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