Pond Boss
Posted By: GGB Pond Turning - 07/07/12 09:57 PM
This afternoon my Bride came running upstairs and woke me up from a nap. She wanted me to see what was happening on the surface of the pond, which almost looked like a huge whirlpool.

I've seen when the pond turns over before, but nothing like today's event. The water appeared to almost boil and the wave at the front of the circulation looked to be several inches high. Amazing to watch, and after I was fully awake I realised that I should have tried to film it.

We've had very high temperatures here in our area which I suspect might account for some of the more dramatic action than normal, and we are also looking at a break from the heating a couple of days, so perhaps the barometric pressure might also be a
factor. Can someone with more knowledge on these changes give me a better idea of why today's turnover was so much more dramatic? Thanks!

Posted By: esshup Re: Pond Turning - 07/07/12 10:34 PM
Paranormal activity?

I only consider a pond "turn over" when the water flip flops in the Spring and Fall.
Posted By: GGB Re: Pond Turning - 07/08/12 12:14 AM
No UFO's or the more common swamp monsters were observed at the time, but I'll keep an eye out for anything unusual!

In the meantime, it looks like I need to at least get a thermometer to get some readings. Anything else I should consider?

Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Pond Turning - 07/08/12 12:25 AM
Posted By: GGB Re: Pond Turning - 07/08/12 12:35 AM
Are they in season? If so, what's the daily bag limit, and do I need a license? I certainly wouldn't want to break any applicable laws.....

Posted By: esshup Re: Pond Turning - 07/08/12 02:07 AM
Holy Salt and Holy Water should save the pond once you take it's temp. wink grin The shotgun might not do any good unless you've got silver pellets in it.

Take the temp at the surface, 1' depth and every foot or 2 feet down. That will tell you if a thermocline is set up, or if it's not set up.
Posted By: GGB Re: Pond Turning - 07/08/12 04:11 AM
Knew I shouldn't have given the silver pellets away-oh well.....

What should I be looking for regarding the temperature readings? And considering how dramatic the pond turned today, should I be getting an aerator system to help keep the pond healthy? Thanks.

Posted By: frogholler Re: Pond Turning - 07/08/12 11:33 AM
Sounds like you have one and don't know it. lol.
Posted By: Kiko Re: Pond Turning - 07/08/12 11:53 AM
...and up from the ground come a bubbling crude...oil that is
, swimming oops & movie stars! The next thing you know ole' GGB's a millionaire!
Posted By: GGB Re: Pond Turning - 07/09/12 03:15 AM
Just call me Jed!

Sadly, the muck I was in this afternoon when pumping some water up to the trees didn't resemble Black Gold or Texas Tea...... Guess I'll have to get the million another way-any suggestions?

Maybe swamp monster tours?

Posted By: liquidsquid Re: Pond Turning - 07/09/12 03:56 PM
I think it is unlikely this was a turnover, but more likely biological of origin: Bacteria doing their thing! The bottom of your pond has probably gotten warm enough and conditions ideal enough for a bloom down there. Perhaps bubbles coming up are perpetuating the event by circulating water. That would be my guess.
Posted By: ewest Re: Pond Turning - 07/09/12 06:03 PM
Pond turnover to my knowledge does not make a wake. Pics would help. What has happened at the pond over the last 2 weeks ?

Do you have fish and if so did any die from the event ?
Posted By: Shorty Re: Pond Turning - 07/09/12 06:11 PM
Originally Posted By: esshup
Paranormal activity?

"Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus." MIB

Posted By: GGB Re: Pond Turning - 07/10/12 04:48 AM
Nothing unusual that I could see in the last few weeks. But it has been unusually hot and dry for this time of year. The pond is also about two feet lower than normal, and we had a very mild winter and a warmer than usual spring.

The best news is that the fish seem to be doing fine, but I'm keeping an eye open for problems.

I wish I had been awake enough to record it-nothing like the normal turnovers I've seen before. Hadn't thought of something like swamp gas. Is that even a possibility?

Posted By: rcooked Re: Pond Turning - 07/12/12 05:56 PM
No worries.... Washington temporarily ran out of ways to flush our money down the drain and needed to borrow your pond for another pet project...
Posted By: GGB Re: Pond Turning - 07/13/12 09:45 PM
Wow-you may be on to something. I didn't see any money (dog gone it....) but it might have been from some of the hot air coming out of Washington!

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