Pond Boss
Posted By: catmandoo A bass ate my friend! - 04/26/08 11:14 PM
Ever since we switched to daylight savings time, a big old bullfrog made sure my heart was in good condition. He was probably the biggest bullfrog I've ever seen in the wild. As I made my pond trek each evening, he would usually wait until I was a few inches from him before he would jump out of the brush and weeds into the pond, scaring me half to death.

He had gotten kind of accustomed to me. For about the past week he became quite complacent and trusting. Bad mistake. I passed by him twice today as he was sunning himself on the north side of my pond. Neither time did he get nervous and jump into the water.

After passing him for the second time this afternoon, I was fishing about 30-40 feet away when I heard quite a ruckus near where he had been sunbathing. For a very long several seconds, there was a big old bass flopping around on the shore, and eventually flopped its way back into the pond.

Mr. Bullfrog now seems to be missing in action. \:\(
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: A bass ate my friend! - 04/27/08 11:00 AM
That is what we call recycling.
Posted By: GW Re: A bass ate my friend! - 04/27/08 11:05 AM
Cat, that frog would have eaten you if he could have.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: A bass ate my friend! - 04/28/08 04:00 AM
Years ago when I still lived with my parents my dad found he could call in a Bobwhite quail. It got to be a regular thing and at one point the quail would come in when we had company and sit on the railing of the deck. He got pretty tame. Trouble was he apparently made the mistake of hopping over the dog one day, and all we found was a pile of feathers!

Had two taxidermy customers tell me about an experience on a local gravel pit that regularly produces bass over 6 lbs. One day they were sitting in their boat fishing when a huge bullfrog for whatever reason started swimming out into open water. Suddenly the frog froze as if to think "Oh sheet I really screwed up!" He did. Something came up and inhaled him and I'm sure it was one of those big bass.
Posted By: dave in el dorado ca Re: A bass ate my friend! - 04/28/08 05:19 AM
cat, i havent added any bass to my pond. that said, the big old bullfrogs still have the largest mouths out there, unfortunately for them though, mr. heron has a really sharp beak.

i'm sure them bullfrogs wonder just how is it do you get to the top of the food chain?
Posted By: rockytopper Re: A bass ate my friend! - 05/13/08 09:48 PM
The boss and I were sitting on our deck feeding the fish a few nights ago. A small yellowed belly water snake about 2 ft long came swimming by us. As it approached our retaining wall a huge explosion happened. The snake disappeared. Then in about half a second it came shooting out of the water and hit high gear getting to the wall. It appeared a LMB had mistaken it's head for a meal and grabed it. It was a first for us.
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