Pond Boss
Hi i was concidering putting in a second pond on my property and iam looking for a little advice.I already have a 1/3 acre pond appox 13 feet deep.I have several low spots on my place that i have not been able to get near in years due to excessive rain the last few years.So far this spring has been bone dry and it looks like i will be able to get on the low spots to dig.My plan is to dig the lowest low spot and then dig drains from the other spots to fill the pond.I have done the math as far as run off goes and i should have plenty.I want to add that my present pond is spring feed and sometimes overflows,which is no big deal except i have enough water laying around here now and would not mind pooling some of that up and draining off the rest.From past experence and from talking to neighbors most springs and wells can be hit around 12 feet so i would like to keep the pond around 8 feet, above the spring levels and use it more like a retaining pond.I will dig a exit for overflow water to my drain to the local drain.This would allow me to keep my place fairly dry.If over wintering becomes a problem i will just net them out and move them to the deep pond and then restock in the spring.Any thoughts on this would be great thanks in advance.PS trout are the only game around here so that's what we play with.

All that water and trout fishing to boot! What a great situation. As long as you have the soils which will retain water and you engineer for the worst case of run-off in terms of spillways or whatever, it shouldn't be a problem. Send some of that water down our way in Texas, we could really use it.
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